Teller Report

Jumah: Melesi and Awanah gain unity from the victory of Saudi Arabia

8/7/2019, 10:06:51 PM

The general supervisor of Al-Wehda football team, Abdul Salam Juma, confirmed that his team came out with several gains from its match against Al-Nasr on Saturday in Riyadh in the first leg of the 16th round of the AFC Champions League, in which the team achieved a positive result with a goal by one goal for each team.

The general supervisor of Al-Wehda football club, Abdul Salam Juma, confirmed that his team came out with several gains from their match against Al-Nasr on Saturday in Riyadh in the first leg of the 16th round of the AFC Champions League, where the team achieved a positive result with a goal by one goal for each team and approaching to qualify. For the quarterfinals.

Juma told Emirates News: “The most significant gains of Al Wahda from this match are the very high level of the new midfielders who were based on the Colombian team Nicolas Melesi and Fawaz Awana, which was a very strong addition to the midfield (Annabi), as I expected them Before joining the team, I would like to pay tribute to the level of excellence they have provided throughout the game and did not disappoint them in the first official game of the team in the new season, and provided a good performance along with the rest of their teammates, and this is the first reason for the happiness of the fans of the unit that he reassured his team, and we hope to continue The two players are performing At this level in the second leg, and we are confident that with the rest of the players who have made a great match and deserved this positive outcome ».

He continued: «I give the team a score of 9 out of 10 in the first leg, and we are very happy with what they have made and their success in imposing their style on the victory team, but for each match conditions, and we expect the return to be harder and more exciting at Al Nahyan Stadium».

He added: «We have one goal of the return match, next Monday, which is to qualify for the quarter-finals, and asked the players to forget the result of the first leg completely, and focus only on the return match, which will not be easy in any way, especially since the victory is a strong team and has only to play "Just to win."

Juma said: «Unity has enough experience to make him deal well with the return match, and certainly we will put the appropriate method to achieve the goal, and we have to be realistic and logic and do not waste too much in the joy that has come to the fans after the game, it is true that we promised a positive draw from Riyadh, which is in "Our interest, but the qualification has not yet been decided, and there is a round that I find more difficult at home." I think that "the players have the determination and the desire and determination to continue the successful team in the tournament from the beginning until now."

Jumah pointed out that «Al Wahda before going to Riyadh set a specific goal, and strived to implement it not to lose in the first leg in order to facilitate his mission in the return, and we succeeded in this success and the great efforts of the players on the pitch, and thank them for what they gave, and we trust that they will be The date in the return leg and qualify for the quarter-finals to delight their fans who are waiting for them a lot in the new season ».

He added: «Although Al Wahda will enter the return match with two opportunities, but we will not secure the treachery of football, which we learned a lot, we must play this game as if the unit only needs to win and play one opportunity, and we have a team and technical staff with sufficient experience to deal with this situation, "We leave something to chance, or give the opponent the opportunity to impose his style on us."

Juma called on the AFC to reconsider the timing of the round of 16, which is being held in very hot weather for West Asian teams. "I propose to hold this round at the end of the season in May or early June," he said.

Juma praised the great role played by the public, who was keen to accompany the team in the first leg, and said: «I thank the audience who came to Riyadh and supported us on the stadium, as well as who was unable to travel, and this is not strange for the fans of the unit, but their responsibility in the next game "We are bigger than the players and we are confident that they will not skimp on the team to come to the stands in the second leg next Monday."

• "We asked the players to forget the result of the go, and focus only on the return."

• «Al Wahda has enough experience to deal with the decisive match».