Teller Report

Erdogan estimates trade between Ukraine and Turkey

8/7/2019, 8:12:51 PM

Ukraine and Turkey should complete negotiations on a free trade zone. This statement was made by Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan at a joint briefing with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky in Ankara.

“At a tête-à-tête meeting, we examined all aspects of Turkish-Ukrainian relations. We have revised the steps that we must take towards the development of trade and economic cooperation, ”“ 112 Ukraine quotes him.

According to Erdogan, in 2018 the volume of trade between the countries amounted to about $ 4 billion.

“We have set a new goal for ourselves, this goal is $ 10 billion. Can Ukraine and Turkey reach the goal of $ 10 billion? In my opinion, maybe the Mr. President completely agrees with me, ”the Turkish President added.

In January, ex-President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko discussed with Erdogan the strengthening of strategic partnerships and the strengthening of coordination of cooperation in the international arena. During the negotiations, the parties noted the positive dynamics of trade, economic and investment cooperation between the countries.