Teller Report

Dead and wounded in clashes near the presidential palace in Aden after calls for storming

8/7/2019, 6:21:51 PM

Yemeni sources on the island reported clashes between gunmen loyal to the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council and brigades to protect the presidential palace in Aden, which resulted in deaths and injuries, while the transitional council called on his supporters to march towards the palace.

Sources told Al-Jazeera that a shooting took place near the presidential palace in the Crater district in Aden after the funeral of the dead of shelling on the evacuation camp, including the leader of the security belt militia Munir al-Yafai known as "Abu Yamamah."

Anatolia news agency reported that the clashes killed one of the mourners, Ibrahim al-Rubaie, and wounded two others, as a captain was killed and a soldier was wounded in the clashes, according to a military source.

However, a medical source told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa that the clashes killed two civilians and wounded seven members of the forces loyal to the government of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi and the security belt forces.

According to Al-Jazeera correspondent in Aden that when the funeral procession of Munir al-Yafi arrived at the funeral, a number of soldiers fired in the air, which increased the fears of bombing the situation as it may force government forces to respond and engage in confrontation.

Hani Ben Brik, vice president of the Southern Transitional Council, who is close to Abu Dhabi, called in a televised statement on what he described as resistance fighters and the southern people of the "general exile" to the Maasheq Palace. According to him.

Following Ben Brik's call to storm the presidential palace, Aden witnessed a major military deployment and a mobilization of the legitimate government protection brigades, but tensions eased after Saudi Arabia intervened and deployed troops and reinforcements on the ground.

A senior government source told Al-Jazeera that arrangements were being made by the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council to storm the presidential palace in Ma'haiq in Aden.

The same source explained that the arrangements of the Transitional Council and the security belt militias are to storm the palace with civilian elements during the funeral in the cemetery of the herd adjacent to the palace, before the intervention of military militias to fabricate fire as a justification for intervention.

Anatolia quoted witnesses as saying that the warplanes of the Saudi-Emirati coalition flew over the city of Aden. Local media quoted a coalition source as saying that the flight was to monitor the situation.

Witnesses said that the security belt forces cut off all the roads leading to the Maasheq palace from the side of the National Bank and Sira Castle road and Martyr Al-Hubaishi Stadium in central Crater, adding that one of the presidential protection brigades deployed tanks and armor in front of the presidential palace.

On Tuesday, Ben Brik issued a warning that the legitimate government would remain in Aden as a "danger" that southerners would not accept, coinciding with calls to storm Maasik Palace.

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For its part, the Yemeni Socialist Party condemned the actions of some southern groups, especially the wave of deportation of the people of the north, and considered it irresponsible behavior, warning that the continuation of the situation as it is will lead to a large explosion is paying the south and Aden, especially the high price.

For its part, the legitimate government said by its president that it is working in coordination with the leaders of the Saudi-UAE coalition to contain the situation and restore security and stability in the interim capital.

In June, an audio leak attributed to a leader of the Yemeni Presidential Protection Forces revealed that there was a UAE plan for the Abu Dhabi-backed Southern Transitional Council to take control of Aden, the Yemeni interim capital.

The commander of the fourth brigade in the Presidential Protection Forces Brigadier General Mehran Qabati at the time, said that the Southern Transitional Council has completed its arrangements to control the Central Bank and government ministries and the Presidential Palace (Maashiq) Aden.

He added, in a voice recording circulated by the media, that a meeting chaired by Yemeni Interior Minister Ahmed al-Maisari - including military and security leaders - was devoted to discuss the plan of the transitional council.