Teller Report

"Korean man in his 40s, crash of the Matterhorn in Switzerland"

8/7/2019, 10:10:29 PM

A male hiker in his 40s died today in the Matterhorn, Switzerland. According to the Associated Press, Shin Mo, a 40-year-old Korean man, died in the local time at the Matterhorn, Switzerland, about 200 feet below 200 meters.

A South Korean male hiker in his 40s was confirmed to have died in the Matterhorn, Switzerland.

According to the Associated Press, Shin Mo, a 40-year-old Korean man, died yesterday (6 days) in the Matterhorn, Switzerland, 200 meters below about 3,700 meters.

Shin initially went to the top of the Matterhorn and broke up with the group because of altitude sickness. He was found to have disappeared since then.

The Valetton Canton police officers were dispatched by Shin's party about 4 pm yesterday, and they found and repaired Mr. Shin's body about 9:40 pm, five hours after the search.

Valet Canton police are investigating the details of the accident.

(Photo: Xinhua, Yonhap News)

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