Teller Report

Toni Morrison, the first black American woman to win the Nobel Prize for Literature, dies

8/6/2019, 2:09:47 PM

Toni Morrison, the first black American woman to win the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1993, died at 88 at Montefiore Medical Center in New York after a brief

Toni Morrison, the first black American woman to win the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1993, died at 88 at Montefiore Medical Center in New York after a brief illness, her family reported Tuesday in a statement: "Although his death it represents a huge loss, we are grateful that he lived a long and well spent life. "

In his work, Morrison, who also won the Pulitzer Prize in 1988, speaks, above all, of the life of the black population, especially women.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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