Teller Report

Saudi Arabia measures the satisfaction of pilgrims with "50" service for 16 government agencies

8/6/2019, 10:03:41 AM

The National Center for Measuring the Performance of Public Performance Agencies in Saudi Arabia announced that it has started measuring the Hajj pilgrimage this year at its second session, aiming at measuring the satisfaction of pilgrims from inside and outside the Kingdom from 50 services provided by 16 government agencies. Pilgrimage

The National Center for Measuring the Performance of Public Performance Agencies in Saudi Arabia announced that it has started measuring the Hajj pilgrimage this year at its second session, aiming at measuring the satisfaction of pilgrims from inside and outside the Kingdom from 50 services provided by 16 government agencies. Pilgrims for government services provided to them during their obligatory duty journey, and until they are finished.

This year, Hajjaj has adopted three tools to measure the satisfaction of the beneficiaries: "field surveys, the hidden shopper and a national platform." Through the questionnaire tool, the Center aims to communicate with the beneficiaries and pilgrims directly to answer a set of questions related to And the extent of their benefit from the services provided by government agencies. During the Hajj this year, the Center will carry out more than 7,500 surveys.

The center will also send 30 hidden shoppers to perform the Hajj to verify compliance by government agencies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in providing services to pilgrims to 31 different locations, learn more about the Hajj experience, the actual reality of the service delivery and its outputs and the level of staff performance.

The "Watani" platform is an electronic platform that includes 9 different languages, allowing pilgrims to evaluate the services via a text message link. The center aims to reach the beneficiaries of the guests of the various nationalities and their races during the Hajj stages. Mecca, the Holy Places and the Medina, and ending with their departure.

Officials at the National Center for the Measurement of Performance of Public Agencies (ADAA) explained that the field surveys will be conducted by more than 80 field researchers in four major cities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Makkah, Madinah, Jeddah and Taif. The ability to speak and communicate with many pilgrims and the followers of the House of God in various languages.

The National Center for Measuring the Performance of Public Instruments "Performance" adopted specific criteria for measuring the satisfaction of beneficiaries and pilgrims of the old house from the services provided by the Saudi government. It is based on a clear methodology designed according to the best international practices. The measurement is not limited to specific nationality or category, The Center and the principle of achieving the highest measure of all the beneficiaries of the services provided by the Government of Saudi Arabia and its service centers, and means the center beneficiaries: citizens of Saudi Arabia and residents who came to work or visit or investment, as well as those of the House of God M and Medina of pilgrims.

The Center adopted a number of standards to measure the satisfaction of pilgrims. Standards included clarity of procedures and speed of service provided at service centers in the Kingdom's service agencies, outputs and staff performance, and the readiness of the place, in addition to the electronic system.

The Center also aims to issue periodic reports from the evaluation of the Kingdom's guests and the pilgrims to the services provided to them and their satisfaction. It is presented to the decision-makers of the Kingdom's government and the heads of the government agencies involved in the Hajj, which will contribute to the improvement of government services, Of which.

It is noteworthy that the National Center for the measurement of the performance of public agencies "performance" of the Saudi government center, is linked to the Prime Minister and the Board of Directors is chaired by the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, and aims to measure the performance of public agencies in their strategic objectives and vision programs of the Kingdom 2030, The quality of government services and the satisfaction of beneficiaries through the adoption of field questionnaires .. And hidden Haj .. And platform, "national" electronic to measure the satisfaction of pilgrims this year.