Teller Report

Belarus and Russia agreed to increase the tariff for oil transit

8/6/2019, 5:42:59 PM

Belarus and Russia agreed to increase the tariff for oil transportation through the Belarusian territory by 3.7% from September 1.

This was reported by BelTA with reference to the press service of the state concern Belneftekhim.

“Today, neither the Russian, nor the Belarusian side can unambiguously determine the volume of oil transportation in the fourth quarter of 2019, so we agreed at the first stage to increase tariffs by 3.7% and return to this issue based on the results of work for the year,” the statement says .

It is specified that, based on the results of work in 2019, an analysis of the situation with oil pumping through the Belarusian part of the pipeline will be carried out and the size of further tariff changes will be determined.

In June, Oleg Borisenko, the general director of Gomeltransneft Druzhba, announced that Belarus was proposing to increase the transit tariff for Russian oil by 21.7% to compensate for losses caused by pollution of the Druzhba pipeline with substandard oil.