Teller Report

Games of Terror

8/5/2019, 5:27:39 PM

“What was recently voiced as the position and opinion of political scientists and experts has been confirmed today on behalf of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - the main force really fighting against the so-called international terrorism. The so-called - because virtually all of this terrorist activity has its customer and sponsor. ”

An American military aircraft conducted reconnaissance near the Navy base in the Syrian port of Tartus, according to data from the PlaneRadar aviation resource. According to the Ministry of Defense, recently, foreign drones and reconnaissance aircraft have increasingly begun to appear near Russia and at Russian bases in Syria. According to them, over the past week, 39 foreign aircraft have been spotted at the borders of the country. Russian fighters took off 12 times in the air to prevent violations.

The statement of our General Staff, in which, in fact, directly convicted the United States of preparing sabotage militant groups in Syria, is also of interest. Secret finally became clear and openly proclaimed through the mouth of the Chief of the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff, Colonel General Sergei Rudsky.

The tasks of US-trained militants are the destruction of oil and gas infrastructure and terrorist attacks against Syrian government forces, Rudskaya said. “The presence of such groups was noted in the areas of the settlements of Essaouida, Palmyra and Abu Kemal,” he said at a briefing.

What was recently voiced as the position and opinion of political scientists and experts has been confirmed today on behalf of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - the main force really fighting against the so-called international terrorism. The so-called - because virtually all of this terrorist activity has its customer and sponsor. And this customer is the United States. It is they who train the militants, forming terrorist networks, which are subsequently used by the Americans against their enemies, but also - in the typical American manner - against neutral forces and even “friends”.

Formation and training of terrorists are carried out by specially trained people. Rudskoy told how American specialists work: “In the area of ​​the 55-kilometer zone around Mount Tanf, US instructors are preparing a large armed group, Magavir al-Saura, and a number of small militant groups for the so-called Army of Arab Tribes. The total number of militants reaches 2.7 thousand people. "

The Anglo-Saxons' favorite approach from the time of the Afghan Soviet campaign - to use terrorists in their interests - has been put on stream today. It was in Syria that the United States began the production of terrorist networks on an industrial scale. This is a kind of new level of network warfare. When all the dirty work for the American warrior, unable to ensure their security even in the “green zone” in Afghanistan, is done by Arab tribes, whose life is worthless in the eyes of “civilized” Americans.

Moreover, the “zone of instability” is at stake, adjacent to the key region through which it is easiest to destroy the Eurasian civilization bloc or at least stop the preconditions for its finalization. The most key region in question is the so-called Eurasian Balkans, as defined by their American geopolitician Zbigniew Brzezinski, the main point of vulnerability throughout Eurasia.

The entrance to the "Eurasian Balkans", through which the American globalists are going to blow up all of Eurasia, is carried out precisely from the "zone of instability", which includes Syria, Iraq, and Pakistan. But (now there will be a surprise for NATO allies, who seem to have begun to guess something) Turkey. Like the main wallet that directly pays for US games, is Saudi Arabia.

The key to entering the “Eurasian Balkans” themselves is Iran. With its help, wide gates will open to where it is easiest and most effective to deliver the last blow to the Eurasian consolidation, striking its center.

That is, we are talking about the Great Game, in which the consumables are “savages” (in the Western arrogant civilization classification) - Arabs, Kurds, and also (if they behave well and do not cooperate with the Russians) Turks. Americans prepare all of them and easily throw them into the furnace of their geopolitical interests.

Without thinking much about the consequences, shattering and exploding the stability of a vast region populated by tens of millions of people, it is so far from the blessed American shores.

But so far, the Americans are blowing up Syria, trying to connect the forces of official Damascus and the Russian group as much as possible, while simultaneously doing their favorite thing - robbery. The Ministry of Defense found that part of the trained militants are being transferred by helicopters of the US Air Force to Zaevfratie. And there is a lot of oil.

At the same time, the most trained saboteurs are sent to territories controlled by the Syrian government forces to destabilize the situation, according to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. In addition, American armaments and equipment are still being supplied to Zaevfratie, and the sponsors of international terrorism themselves seem to be not going to stop there.

Thus, Russia and its armed forces in the region are fighting not only for Syria, where, if not for the efforts of the “allies” in the Western coalition, there would have been no IG * for a long time, and peaceful life would have begun to recover. Russia is at war with international terrorism.

Given the now officially voiced circumstances, Russia is waging war on what was created by two previous American administrations (especially under Obama and Clinton) and continues to be supported by American globalists who have permeated all branches of power in the United States, now.

Success in this war depends on whether the United States continues to act as the main sponsor of world terrorism or whether Trump will start an irreconcilable (and not just informational) war with him. Otherwise, the destruction of terrorism in Syria will intensify the actions of international terrorist networks in Libya, Iraq, and Turkey, and in the future, terrorist activity will move to Europe.

In the end, international terrorists will inevitably come to the United States themselves when they finally discover where the really hated Dajjal actually sits. But I don’t want to think so bad, especially now, when everything is going so successfully: American structures organized the production and sale of Syrian oil from fields on the eastern bank of the Euphrates - in fact, having seized the smuggling business from the terrorist group, Rudskoy noted. One more step, and we will have to openly name the name of the one with whom the permanent, ongoing war is really waged. It is not conducted by us, but against us. We are still defending.

* “Islamic State” (IG) - the organization was recognized as terrorist by decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.