Teller Report

19 people were killed in a collision that resulted in an explosion in Cairo

8/5/2019, 3:48:49 AM

The Egyptian Ministry of Health said on Monday that the number of people killed in the explosion at the Cairo Oncology Institute was increased by 19 people, and that 30 others were injured.

The Egyptian Ministry of Health announced on Monday that the number of people killed in the explosion at the Cairo Institute of Oncology has risen to 19, as well as 30 others.

She added that the Oncology Institute was evacuated from patients at the request of the administration of the Institute and transferred to several hospitals to facilitate the lives of the injured.

The Egyptian Attorney General ordered the transfer of a team from the prosecution to the site of the explosion to find out its causes, according to Egyptian television.

Egyptian Health Minister Hala Zayed said before the announcement of the increase in the number of victims, the number of bodies found so far at the site of the blast on the Corniche road in front of the Institute of Oncology in Cairo, 17 bodies, and that the search is still underway.

The Health Minister said in a televised statement that the oncology institute had been evacuated from patients and transferred to other hospitals.

For its part, the Egyptian Interior Ministry said in a statement that "the speeding of one of the speeding cars reversed the direction on the Corniche Nile Street in front of the Oncology Department of the Department of Sayeda Zeinab police, collided with the confrontation with 3 cars, which led to an explosion as a result of the collision."