Teller Report

Kenya: Reopening of Dusit Resort, Seven Months After Attack - RFI

8/3/2019, 5:36:33 PM

In Kenya, the Dusit Hotel Complex reopened this week in Nairobi, nearly seven months after an attack

By RFPosted on 03-08-2019Modified on 03-08-2019 at 19:22

In Kenya, the Dusit hotel complex reopened this week in Nairobi, nearly seven months after a deadly terrorist attack. A commando of Islamist group Shebab broke into the complex on January 15, killing 21 people. Today, customers struggle to return.

Difficult to find customers this Saturday afternoon August 3, in this complex that houses yet restaurants, offices and hotels . The Dusit is deserted, except for this couple of regulars who have returned for the first time today.

" We come here regularly for the spa. We do not see any difference. Everything seems as before, "says the man. " The security at the entrance has been reinforced a bit. We are reassured as we would be anywhere. We are happy to come back, "said his wife.

The Secret Garden restaurant, where the suicide bomber blew himself up at the beginning of the attack, is still closed for a few weeks.

In one of the resort hotels, not a single guest at the front desk, restaurant or even in the hallways. The staff refuses any interview but assures, smiling, that everything is back to normal. Hard to believe ... A few days ago, the Minister of Tourism, Najib Balala, gave a speech with great pomp at the reopening of the complex. His mission that day was to reassure.

" Life is back, business is back and no one - not even terrorists - will annihilate the minds of Kenyans and visitors who come to Dusit. I want to assure the world that Kenya is stronger than these demonic forces , "he said.

No more traces of the attack last January. Only a reinforcement of the security recalls that here, seven months ago, 21 people were killed by the commando shebab.

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