Teller Report

Accused of exclusion .. Sudanese parties complain about the absence of negotiations with the Military Council

8/3/2019, 5:06:45 PM

Despite the growing satisfaction among many Sudanese circles of the agreement to be signed between the Transitional Military Council and the forces of freedom and change on the constitutional declaration document, the RUF, which includes military movements and political forces, has been reluctant to accuse the negotiating committee of hijacking the scene.

The rebel Sudan Revolutionary Front (RUF) said it was not represented at Friday's negotiating session and its negotiators were removed from the committee, which said it had hijacked the negotiating landscape in the name of freedom and change.

The Front said that "the spirit of exclusion and the approach of bypassing the other is not consistent with the Sudanese revolution, and will complicate the scene and will reproduce the crisis and will result in agreements will not reflect the whole of Sudan."

The Front stressed that it considered it necessary to have a representative in the Technical Committee and the Drafting Committee and looked forward to the fulfillment of the Addis Ababa Agreement, which succeeded in formulating a vision for peace which all parties agreed to include fully in the Political Agreement and in the Constitutional Declaration.

The rebel Front for the Liberation of Sudan (SLM), headed by Arko Minnawi, is fighting in the western Darfur region. The SPLM is the northern sector led by Malik Aqar and is fighting in South Kordofan and South Blue states. Justice and Equality, led by Jibril Ibrahim and fighting in the Darfur region (west).

It also includes political forces within entities formed during its battles with the former regime, most notably the Sudan Appeal, which includes the Umma Party (the largest Sudanese party) and the Sudanese Congress Party.

Addis Ababa Agreement
The Revolutionary Front and the forces of freedom and change announced ten days ago in Addis Ababa agreement on the challenges faced by Sudan, after we discussed for days - as they announced - major files of concern to the Sudanese, first and foremost the transition to democratic rule as soon as possible and provide a decent life for the people Sudanese.

They said they agreed to speed up the formation of the transitional civil authority, with the first task being to achieve a comprehensive peace agreement that begins with urgent preliminary measures that create a climate conducive to peace.

The two parties also agreed to establish a structure that will lead the forces of freedom and change throughout the transitional period, mobilizing the people to achieve the objectives of the revolution, and formulating a unified vision on the political agreement and the constitutional declaration in response to the aspirations of the masses.

The forces of freedom and change in Sudan announced that the signing of the document of the constitutional declaration will be within 48 hours (European)

Signing ceremonies
For his part, the head of the SPLM, the northern sector Malik Aqar, said that the issue of peace is major and without it, the agreement of the constitutional declaration between the forces of freedom and change and the military council will not be reconciled.

He asked whether the Addis Ababa document had been systematically incorporated or not. Especially that the Revolutionary Front as part of the forces of freedom and normalization did not participate in the meetings, and said that the situation in Sudan is complex and will not take a hasty position of developments and will not give up the right of our people to peace.

And on the participation of his movement in the expected celebrations on the occasion of signing the agreement; said the drug will wait to see whether the peace agreement will include or not, and in light of this we will decide whether to participate or not in the upcoming celebrations. He stressed that the RUF would take a united position, which is now being discussed.