Teller Report

"One suspect was arrested": at least several people died as a result of the shooting in Texas

8/3/2019, 9:54:45 PM

As a result of the shooting in the city of El Paso in Texas, at least several people were killed. According to US President Donald Trump, the dead are "many." US media reported 18 dead. The attack occurred in the morning in the area of ​​the local shopping center. Law enforcement authorities detained one suspect. Authorities urge residents to stay away from the scene of the incident and warn that the situation remains unsafe.

Several people were killed in a shooting in the American city of El Paso, Texas. Reports about it El Paso Times with reference to the police officer. According to a law enforcement official, the shooting is over. In this case, the death toll is not specified.

US President Donald Trump in his Twitter wrote that those killed as a result of the shooting in Texas are "many."

“Terrible skirmish in El Paso, Texas. The reports are very bad, many dead, ”he wrote on Twitter.

Terrible shootings in ElPaso, Texas. Reports are very bad, many killed. Working with State and Local Authorities, and Law Enforcement. Spoke to Governor to pledge total support of the Federal Government. God be with you all!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 3, 2019

ABC, citing a law enforcement source, reports that 18 people died, a few dozen others were injured. According to NBC, 19 people died, another 40 were injured.

According to the El Paso Times, the shooting was in two places - the Cielo Vista Mall and the Wallmart supermarket located next door. Representatives of the chain of stores reported that they are working with the police to investigate the incident.

"We work closely with law enforcement and will update the information as necessary," - says Twitter Wallmart.

In this case, the police asked residents to stay away from the shopping center, where the shooting occurred. A meeting place for families was organized in one of the local schools.

Please keep clear of the surrounding area of ​​Cielo Vista Mall. McCarthur Middle School on Whittus.


According to police sergeant Erica Carillo, despite the fact that the shooting has stopped, the danger to the population remains.

“We have a special unit that is searching. There is no shooting now, but this does not mean that the situation has become safe, ”the Independent quoted him as saying.

The Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Houston reported that the Russians were not injured when firing at El Paso.

“According to the police department of the city of El Paso (Texas), to date, there is no information that Russian citizens were injured during the shooting on August 3. We express our sincere condolences to the families of the victims, ”the diplomatic mission said on Twitter.

According to the Police Department of El Paso (Tex.), To date, there is no information that when shooting on 3 August this year. suffered Russian citizens. We express our sincere condolences to the families of the victims.

- Russia in Houston (@RusCons_TX) August 3, 2019

The incident occurred around 11 am (8:00 pm Moscow time). One suspect was detained in connection with the shooting, a spokesman for the El Paso police said. Earlier, the media reported that they detained three people.

“Initially, it was said that several people were shooting, so far we have detained one suspect,” TASS quoted him as saying. “We confirm that a lot of people (suffered from shooting. - RT ), but we cannot specify their number and condition.”

As the representative of El Paso University Medical Center (UMC) Ryan Milke told the TV channel, their condition varies from severe to safe for life.

Medical center Del Sol received 11 victims, a representative of the institution Victor Garrero told CNN.

"I saw three or four people just fall"

Three employees of Wallmart during the shooting took refuge in a nearby fish restaurant. About this CNN told his manager.

“We never thought it could be so close to us,” he said. “You constantly see in the news (what's happening is shooting. - RT ), but you don’t think that this could happen here until it happens.”

A witness to the incident, a local resident Vanessa Saenz, told Fox News that she had seen a man shoot at people. According to her, she and her mother were at the Cielo Vista shopping center when she heard the shooting. Saenz said that men with “something like a rifle” shot at people indiscriminately, and not at specific targets.

“Just directed (rifle. - RT ) at people and shot straight at them. “I saw three or four people just fall to the ground,” she told Fox News. “He just shot at random, not at a specific person.”

"The state of Texas will do everything possible to ensure justice"

Abbott said he sent additional assistance to the city.

“The State of Texas and the Department of Public Security are helping the El Paso police to investigate.” We sent soldiers, special agents, Texas Rangers, tactical groups and aircraft as support to the scene. The state of Texas will do everything possible to ensure justice for those who committed this heinous crime, ”the El Paso Times cites the text of the governor’s letter.

Abbott also expressed words of support to the residents of the city and said that he had left for the city.

In connection with the shooting, the police in New York deployed additional units in the shopping area.

“There is currently no connection with New York. However, we have deployed additional counter-terrorism units in the trade zones as a precautionary measure. If you see anything, let us know, ”they wrote on Twitter.

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