Teller Report

Six private schools in Dubai are not entitled to increase their fees

7/31/2019, 10:10:32 PM

A report by the Dubai School of Knowledge and Human Development (KHDA) monitoring agency revealed that six private schools in the emirate have not been eligible to raise fees for the next academic year (2020/2019) due to the decline in performance between the two academic years (2018/2017) 2018), as the level of one school declined

A report by the Dubai School of Knowledge and Human Development (KHDA) monitoring agency revealed that six private schools in the emirate have not been eligible to raise fees for the next academic year (2020/2019) due to the decline in performance between the two academic years (2018/2017) 2018). The level of one school dropped from "outstanding" to "very good", from "very good" to "good", and from "good" to "acceptable" and "acceptable" to "weak".

According to the report, the French International School «George Pompidou» decreased its assessment from «distinct» to «very good», while the decline of the evaluation of the school «private research« from «very good» to «good», and evaluation of the schools «International Consensus Edocachin», and "Quinn International School" from "Good" to "Acceptable", "Al-Khoza" and "Pakistan Educational Academy" from "Acceptable" to "Poor".

Although three schools maintained a "weak" assessment between the two academic years themselves, the updated tuition framework allows them to request an increase in fees equivalent to the cost of education index (2.07%).

According to the report, nine schools have the right to increase their fees by 4.14%, because they have achieved an increase in the quality of education between the two academic years (2018/2017 and 2018), from "weak" to "acceptable", "acceptable" To "good," twice as much as the cost of education, while five schools could raise their fees by 3.6% (the cost of education index × 1.75), because they moved from "good" to "very good" last year. The updated tuition fee for four schools allows for a 3.1% increase in fees (the cost of education index x 1.5), as it has moved from a "very good" to "outstanding" rating in the last school year.

The report said that 152 private schools in Dubai have maintained their assessment between the last two years, so the updated tuition fee allows them to increase their fees by the value of the cost of education index.

According to the Knowledge and Human Development Authority, 90% of students will not bear a potential increase in fees more than the cost of education index, while 10% of students will have a potential increase in fees beyond the cost of education index.

The Commission emphasized that the system of organizing tuition fees is aimed at achieving cooperation between government agencies and the private sector, providing quality educational services, providing various options for education at affordable prices, and enhancing flexibility and transparency in a manner that respects the interests of all parties.