Teller Report

Who has awakened racism towards Syrian refugees?

7/29/2019, 7:31:24 PM

Syria was historically coveted by the invaders because of its strategic location and prosperity, a receiving station for refugees and the welfare of its people to the guests, and later became an important center of the first Arab Islamic empire when Muawiya bin Abi Sufyan - may Allah be pleased with him - Damascus capital of the Umayyad caliphate.

During the reign of the Ottoman caliphate, the state of Aleppo - which included the state of Kielce, Antioch, Iskenderun and Idleb - became the second most important province with Cairo after the capital Istanbul, where it was considered an important economic center of the caliphate.

In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Syria received a welcome welcome from the Syrian culture, but allowed them to form their own associations, clubs, schools and churches that still exist. Armenians did not leave Syria after the secession of Armenia from the Soviet Union.

As well as Arnaout and Algerians who emigrated since the revolution of Prince Abdelkader Algerian to Syria, did not leave Syria after the independence of Algeria because of their integration, and the remains of Prince Abdelkader Algerian was not transferred until 1966.

Syria subsequently hosted Palestinians who had arrived there since the Nakba of 1948, where they held important positions in the state and society. As well as with the Lebanese and Iraqis, without being problematic or racist demonstrations against them.

In Lebanon, the Syrians are being subjected to an unjust campaign under various pretexts. In Lebanon, their motives are racist and under the name of "Phoenician", as Lebanese Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil said, although the Phoenicians lived in all the shores of the Levant and not exclusively Lebanon. In the vicinity of Lattakia, Ugarit created the first alphabet of humanity that was the nucleus of Phoenician writing

In Lebanon, the Syrians are being subjected to an unjust campaign under various pretexts. In Lebanon, their motives are racist and under the name of "Phoenician", as Lebanese Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil said, although the Phoenicians lived in all the shores of the Levant and not exclusively Lebanon. In the vicinity of Lattakia, Ugarit created the first alphabet of humanity that was the nucleus of Phoenician writing. As well as economic motives because of the failure of the model of the Lebanese state, which issues its problems - primarily unemployment - to Syrian refugees.

But if we look for the real reason for these campaigns, we will see that Hezbollah - the ally of the Assad regime and Iran - is the main reason for this, in alliance with the Free Patriotic Movement, which is in the process of securing the presidency of Bassil after President Michel Aoun, And the Russian planes, whatever the consequences of their return, to be under his full control, as happened in the places of reducing the escalation and that they were imprisoned or killed, to achieve the objectives of the system of international rehabilitation.

The recent practices in Turkey were a surprise and shocked the Syrians for violating the policies of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the Justice and Development Party since the start of the Syrian revolution. President Erdoğan was the term of supporters and immigrants. His government offered the Syrians exemptions in terms of work and free treatment and allowed them to open private schools They were then accepted into Turkish schools, and citizenship was granted to nearly 100,000 of them.

But it is clear that the Justice Party has recently been horrified by the loss of the presidency of Istanbul and Ankara, which has led to attempts by some to throw the blame on the weaker side, especially after the use of the umbrella by the opposition parties in all elections, This is the statement of the President of the Republican Party Kamal Kalshdar Uglu, the need to return relations with the Assad regime.

Some believe that there is a hidden impetus to break the alliance between the Syrian revolution and Turkey, which stood strongly alongside the rebels during the recent battles.

It was appropriate - after these results - to study the real reasons for this, which could be one of the failure to regulate the relationship with the Syrians legally, so that everyone knows the rights and duties as the Messenger of humanity Muhammad peace be upon him when he approved the "city document" To return to the former gangs, and did not accept to remain just unregulated emotional relationships can be easily targeted from hypocrites or other enemies.

In modern times, the world's intelligence services, or rival parties and forces can target the structures of society or loyalists of the competing parties through social media outlets that have a dangerous effect in changing the course of public opinion, through which populist instincts and popular tendencies can be mobilized.

An example of this is what happened in the United States, where the influence of these means was investigated in the presidential elections 2016 and penetrated by the Russian intelligence apparatus, which is remarkable in this regard, as these tools are used closely and in cooperation with the electronic army of the Assad regime and some sleeper cells since The beginning of the revolution.

It is appropriate to study the real reasons for the recent practices towards the Syrian refugees in Turkey, which may be one of the failure to regulate the relationship with the Syrians legally, so that everyone knows the rights and duties as the Messenger of humanity Muhammad peace be upon him when he approved the "city document" To return to the former gangs, and did not accept to remain just unregulated emotional relationships can be easily targeted from hypocrites or other enemies

But if we go to the hidden causes of these unjust campaigns that have swept Syrian refugees in places of refuge, especially those with the weight of the refugees, this requires a deep analysis in conjunction with the re-talk about the political solution in Syria, especially after the failure of the regime's campaign and Russia and Iran to the stronghold of the revolution Idlib, Hama and Aleppo failed miserably, exposing the regime's inability to resolve the military even with the support of Russia, Russia and Iran Beria.

The return to deal with the political solution of the Constitutional Committee, away from Geneva 1 and Geneva II and UN Resolutions 2118 and 2254, began since the time of the former UN envoy Stephane de Mistura, who was trying to open a loophole in the negotiations wall, no matter how negative to the Syrians.

The recent statements by the current UN envoy, Geir Pedersen, on the acceptance of Russia and the regime to start the work of the Constitutional Commission, after he, the United States, and France were launched with implicit threats if they do not accept the start of their work, are backed by international and international leaks that speak of an international desire to achieve a constitution for next year's presidential elections 2021, the formal presidential election since the Assad family came to power.

These elections are designed to make the electoral file of refugees very important in determining the position of the President of Syria or the presidency of the next government, according to the system of government approved by the Constitutional Committee and whether it is presidential or semi-presidential or parliamentary, to legitimize them. Note that the majority of the opposition calls for an integrated solution, headed by a fully transitional transitional government.

Raising the fabricated problems in the countries of asylum with the host societies will have negative effects, which will lead the Syrians to accept any solutions whatsoever, because of their poor living conditions; they have been depleted at all levels of humanity and economic. This is what Russia and the Assad regime are seeking, and not as a promoter of the reason that the pressure for the return of refugees is reconstruction and being the main condition for the flow of funds.

Dealing with these campaigns - premeditated by Russia and Iran and their allies in some neighboring countries by exploiting exceptional circumstances - requires a counter-scenario, by communicating with friendly countries and host countries, and programming the situation of the Syrians and supporting them materially, knowingly and even psychologically in places of asylum, legally Makes them able to live a decent life and teach their children and prepare them to return home effectively, when injustice is gone and anyone who commits a crime against the Syrians is held accountable.

The vision of the leaders of the revolution regarding the important refugee issue since the establishment of the Syrian National Council, and later the National Coalition for Revolutionary Forces and the Syrian opposition, as well as the Negotiating Body, was absent. It was considered a secondary file, and therefore they did not deal with it in the appropriate way. They made all their focus on the files of international relations and formal negotiation, Which was managed by friendly countries from the file of crisis management and not management solution

The vision of the leaders of the revolution regarding the important refugee issue since the establishment of the Syrian National Council, and later the National Coalition for the Revolutionary Forces and the Syrian opposition, as well as the negotiating body, has been absent. This is considered a secondary issue and therefore they did not deal with it in the appropriate way. They made all their focus on the files of international relations and formal negotiation , Which was managed by friendly countries from the file of crisis management and not management solution.

And therefore could not achieve any significant achievements, while they could employ the file of refugees and displaced persons in favor of a political solution, through the organization of the presence of refugees in countries of asylum, and seek their interests by activating the legal aspect against the crimes of the regime of all kinds.

The issue of the refugees is a humanitarian and strategic issue with distinction to the Syrian revolution. The Syrians, especially the youth generation, have been exposed to new models of governance mechanisms, beginning with the genuine democratic elections from Germany to Turkey, as well as the concept of the state subject to the people, Economic and trade unions and the fight against corruption.

By introducing them to the concept of a modern state and achieving remarkable successes, the Syrians will return home armed with all this knowledge to reflect it practically. They will connect Syria to the future with strong ties with these countries through the cultural, social, economic and political ties they created during the period of asylum. In building a free and strong homeland as Syria has been throughout history and generations.

This bitter experience must be turned into an opportunity for those who hold leadership positions before it is too late to arrange their affairs and all the files capable of exerting pressure on the Assad regime to yield to a just political solution as long as the Syrians have dreamed of it and the statements of the United Nations and the friendly countries since the start of our blessed revolution.