Teller Report

The water level in the river Oia in Tulun exceeded the critical level by 50 cm

7/29/2019, 1:37:23 AM

The water level in the Oia River in the Tulunsky District, in which the most difficult flood situation is observed in the Irkutsk Region, has risen above 7.5 m, which exceeds the critical level by more than 50 cm.

This was reported on the website of the administration of Tulun.

"The water level in the river Oia at 06:00 local time (01:00 Moscow time) on July 29 was 752 cm (+32)", - the report says.

Earlier it was reported that the water level in the river Oia exceeded the critical level by 8 cm.

On July 28, EMERCOM aviation evacuated residents of villages in the Tulun district.

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