Teller Report

Scientifically .. the torture of love hurts the heart

7/29/2019, 9:49:29 AM

Professor Günter Zaidler said that scientifically, the torment of love not only hurt the heart, but also the heart. The German psychologist told the German news agency "DPA" that the torment of love caused by the separation of the beloved because of his death or the end of the emotional relationship does not feel the

Professor Günter Zaidler said that scientifically, the torment of love not only hurt the soul, but also the heart.

The German psychiatrist told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa that the torment of love caused by the separation of the lover because of his death or the end of the emotional relationship not only causes sadness and depression, but also may lead to what is known as Broken Heart Syndrome, Symptoms include chest pain and shortness of breath.

In the worst case, broken heart syndrome may be life-threatening, as it may cause heart failure. Broken heart syndrome is treated in the same way as patients with heart failure, as well as psychotherapy.