Teller Report

Balqis angry at "Twitter" and the public admonishes it!

7/29/2019, 1:34:29 PM

It seems that the revolution of the artist Balqis finally exploded on the platforms of the virtual, after the tweet published by the artist on the official page on Twitter, saying "dogs Tjini Mushtaq" and contained the remains of the wrath of the buried did not know the cause, which sparked a wave of different comments from

It seems that the revolution of the artist Balqis finally exploded on the platforms of default, after the tweet published by the artist on the official page on Twitter, saying "dogs Tjini Mushtaq" and contained the remains of a deep anger did not know the cause, which sparked a wave of different comments by the The audience of the artist and her followers, who sided with them to support them through enthusiastic comments such as "the sound of your tongue" and "Darr Ya Balqis" and "Zadkati and God" while the side of the team of fans of the artist to record their surprise of the twinkle and tone somewhat shocking, Uppa .. strong Balqis "and the slogans such as" metaphor killer ".

And the rest of the rest of the audience, addressing the artist on the direct style in the youth, some of the statements such as "Balqis Asept" and some attacked by saying "de Sasa language" and "violent". While others prefer the artist's address to reference to its sophistication and civilized level in dealing with its audience on the platforms of virtual, seductive by saying "superior to such Balqis" and expressing regret for what is issued by a technical figure of its level, able to be role models for many around them, "pointing out that everyone "Knows how much she respects herself and others."

One of the specialized news sites pointed out that the singer's chant came in the wake of the health problems that were exposed to the Kuwaiti media, which differed with her recently, which prompted the followers of the artist and her audience, linking the twinkle of media disease Fajr al-Said, which filled the artistic and media media and caused a wide gap between Artists and the public in general, especially after Balqis had filed a lawsuit against the media before the Shahalp after the media statements of the artist's affront, which was stated during a live television interview. "While saw a large number of the audience of the artist and celebrities of celebrity news on the means of communication The social and should be the last to forgive her for their depiction of weakness because of her illness and, pointing to the need to pray for her speedy recovery.