Teller Report

At the Weather Center talked about the weather in Moscow for a week

7/29/2019, 8:40:24 AM

Marina Makarova, a leading specialist at the Hydrometeorological Center, told in an interview with RT about what kind of weather is expected in the Moscow region during the week.

“The spread of the cold tropospheric hollow from the Arctic and the cyclones formed in it will determine the reduced background of atmospheric pressure for almost a week over the European territory of the country, including the central region will be in this area. Cool air masses will circulate here, so the temperature is kept below the climatic norm, ”Makarova said.

She noted that on July 30 in Moscow in the afternoon the temperature will reach only + 13 ° С ... + 15 ° С.

According to Makarova, the whole week is expected to be so cool, then experts expect a slight warm-up, but, as the forecaster added, it will be very slow.

“Still, by the end of the week, the temperature will not even reach the norm - about +15 ... + 20 ° С by the weekend. Regarding the anomaly: in the first half of the week, the temperature lags behind the norm by about 6-7 ° C. In the second half of the week - at about 4-5 ° С, ”concluded Makarova.

As reported on the website of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, on Monday, July 29, cool cloudy weather without precipitation is expected in Moscow. The air temperature will be 14-16 ° C.

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