Teller Report

An Indian bites a toy and tears it with his teeth

7/29/2019, 10:09:16 PM

The father of an Indian man bitten by a snake that his son avenged himself and bite the snake and killed him. The father, Babu Ram, said his son, Raj Kumar, was relaxed at home when the serpent infiltrated his home in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh and bitten him. The father added «Snake bite him, and in return bitten is the snake,

The father of an Indian man bitten by a snake that his son avenged himself and bite the snake and killed him. The father, Babu Ram, said his son, Raj Kumar, was relaxed at home when the serpent infiltrated his home in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh and bitten him. "The serpent bitten him, and in turn he bitten the snake, cut it with his teeth, and tore it apart."

The man's family was taken to hospital, media said his condition was critical.

It is reported that the snake that bites the type of snake rats, which experts consider as non-toxic usually. He said that. B. Singh, Raj Kumar's doctor, "This is certainly strange." "I saw people coming in with a snakebite, but I have never seen a person bite a snake and bring him in a bag." The inhabitants later burned the snake.