Teller Report

Putin expressed condolences in connection with the tragedy in the camp “Holdomi”

7/24/2019, 5:08:29 PM

Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his condolences to the families of children killed in the fire in a tent camp at the Holdomi recreation center in the Khabarovsk Territory.

Reports about it RIA News.

At the same time, he expressed the hope that the doctors would do everything necessary to ensure the speedy recovery of the injured in this tragedy.

July 23 there was a fire in a tent camp on the territory of the ski complex, more than 20 tents burned down. According to the latest data, four children died as a result of the incident.

In the framework of the criminal case of a fire in the camp, the head of the supervisory activities department of the district emergency department of the Khabarovsk Territory, who is suspected of negligence, was detained.

According to the authorities, the cause of the fire could be that a towel or a dress fell on one of the heaters installed in the tents.

The certified rescuer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, survival expert Eduard Khalilov, in an interview with NSN, commenting on the state of emergency, said that the camp staff were not prepared for a fire and they did not observe the necessary security measures.