Teller Report

Boris Johnson: We will leave the EU next October

7/24/2019, 8:11:17 PM

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson pledged to leave the European Union by the end of October.

In a speech to the government after he was officially appointed by Queen Elizabeth II, Johnson promised to have a better new agreement with the Union and that the exit from the BRICT would be without excuses or exceptions, he said.

Johnson insisted that the outcome of the referendum should be respected, noting that he had full confidence in ending the exit within 99 days.

Johnson said he was waiting for work on the BRICEST file, which faced many obstacles during the last period of his predecessor, Teresa Mai.

Earlier in the day, former Prime Minister Teresa Mae formally submitted her resignation to Queen Elizabeth at Buckingham Palace.

Nine British ministers have resigned from the government after Johnson took over as prime minister.

The most recent ministers who announced they would leave the cabinet were Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, who said he would not take part in Johnson's new cabinet after he rejected a proposal from the new prime minister for another post.

And was preceded by Defense Secretary Benny Murdon. International Trade Minister Liam Fox, Business Secretary Greg Clarke and Education Minister Damien Hinds were quick to catch up with them by announcing their resignations via Twitter.

Treasury Secretary Philip Hammond also announced his resignation, followed by Secretary of International Development Rory Stewart and Justice Minister David Gock. The three said they could not support Johnson's commitment, which promised to leave the EU by October 31.

Cabinet Secretary David Leddington, also known as the de facto deputy prime minister, resigned from office.

Johnson began forming his new government after the resignations, and Interior Minister Sajid Javid chose to become finance minister.

Britti Patel, who resigned from the government of former Prime Minister Terza Mae, has also chosen to become interior minister to replace Javid, according to the local ITV channel.

Johnson Domenech Rapp, who also resigned as secretary of the Precast in the May government, was appointed foreign minister. Steve Barclay will retain his post as finance minister.

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