Teller Report

An Asian accused of taking his project by a trick

7/24/2019, 4:56:12 PM

The Abu Dhabi Court of Appeals, hearing the case of an Asian employee, started a Gulf fraud and seized the project "Restaurant" and decided to postpone the case to a hearing on September 18 to summon the complainant. The details of the case go back to the accusation of the " Wa

Abu Dhabi Court of Appeal, hearing the case of an Asian employee accused of fraud and a Gulf takeover of his project "Restaurant" and decided to postpone the case to a hearing on September 18, to summon the complainant.

The details of the case refer to the accusation of the "complainant", an Asian young man, "appellant," who was working in the management of the restaurant in dispute to obtain his signature on the contract of sale of the restaurant without his knowledge and submit the contract to the competent authorities and documentation and transfer of ownership of the restaurant to him, noting that he discovered the incident coincidentally during his entry The office of the administration and watch the accused sit in his place and agree on the supply of meat to the restaurant.

"I asked him how he agreed to supply the restaurant without my knowledge and approval, and asked him not to sit in my office again, but I was surprised to be insulted and told me that I was not welcome in the place and that the restaurant had been moved to him for some time, His right to management. "

The court of first instance had settled the dispute between the parties, and oblige the new owner of the restaurant to pay the financial costs of the sale and purchase. But the verdict was not accepted by the complainant in his right and appealed to him, before the Court of Appeal.

During the hearing, the appellant denied the complainant's charges that he had received his signature with fraud and deception. "I am the real investor of the restaurant, and the complainant was the owner of the picture, and he gave up and signed the sale contract knowing that I was the original owner of the project," he said.

He pointed out that he had taken out a new residence for the management of the restaurant. He presented the court with an explanatory memorandum and asked to summon the complainant to ask him and hear him.