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Spain: Sanchez has two days to get support from Podemos

7/23/2019, 4:20:17 PM

He only got 124 "yes" when he needed an absolute majority of 176 votes. Unsurprisingly, outgoing Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez loses the first confidence vote of the deputies. It has two days to get the ...

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Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez speaking in Parliament in Madrid on 22 July 2019. REUTERS / Sergio Perez

He obtained only 124 "yes" votes, whereas he needed an absolute majority of 176 votes. Unsurprisingly, outgoing Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez loses the first confidence vote of the deputies. He has two days to get the support of the radical left in difficult negotiations.

Pedro Sanchez largely lost the vote of confidence of the deputies, since he did not obtain the absolute majority for his re-election. In the face of the 124 "yes" votes, 170 deputies voted against the outgoing head of government and 52 abstained, including those from the radical left-wing Unidas Podemos. Whereas since Friday, the Socialists are in difficult negotiations with the formation.

Read also - Spain: Pedro Sanchez puts the bar on the left to seduce Podemos

The negotiations between Pedro Sanchez and Pablo Iglesias, the Unidas Podemos leader, have been complicated. If after a meeting on Monday, Pablo Iglesias gave up entering the government as required by Pedro Sanchez, this did not prevent reproaches on both sides.

For Unidas Podemos, a coalition agreement is the only possible outcome for Pedro Sanchez. For the elected, Ione Belarra, " what they propose to us in these negotiations is a simple role of figuration in the government, " she said. Unidas Podemos accuses Pedro Sanchez of having denied him many ministries and portfolios like Ecological Transition, Labor or Equality.

In the second round, a simple majority will suffice

Thursday, place in the second round where a simple majority will suffice, where it will be necessary to have more "yes" than "no", to reach an agreement on a coalition government. Unidas Podemos would then exchange its abstention against the "yes", allowing the investiture. The formation of a first left coalition government since 1936 is looming.

Without agreement, Pedro Sanchez will have two months to retry his chance. Otherwise, there will be new legislative elections.