Teller Report

Montenegro has signed a declaration on the completion of integration into NATO

7/23/2019, 4:29:17 PM

The Montenegrin Defense Ministry reported that the country's authorities and the head of NATO’s strategic command for transformation (ACT), General Andre Lanata, signed a document on the completion of the republic’s accession to the North Atlantic Alliance.

“The ACT Commander Andre Lanata and the Chief of the General Staff of the Montenegrin Armed Forces, Brigadier General Dragutin Dakic, signed a declaration in Podgorica on completing the integration of Montenegro into NATO, which officially ended the process of our country's accession to the alliance,” the Ministry of Defense of Montenegro said.

Montenegro officially became the 29th member of NATO in June 2017.

Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, in an interview with the Rheinische Post, said about the “alarming situation” around NATO.