Teller Report

«Probe of hope» is preparing to launch to Mars mid-July next

7/23/2019, 10:13:55 PM

The Emirates Space Agency and the Mohammed bin Rashid Space Center have confirmed that the "Prospect of Hope", the hub of the UAE's Mars Exploration Project, will be launched in less than a year in mid-July 2020, bringing the Red Planet's orbit in the first quarter of 2021, Golden State

The Emirates Space Agency and the Mohammed bin Rashid Space Center have confirmed that the "Prospect of Hope", the hub of the UAE's Mars Exploration Project, will be launched in less than a year in mid-July 2020, bringing the Red Planet's orbit in the first quarter of 2021, Golden State.

In a joint statement, the two sides explained that the "launch window" of the first Arab project to explore another planet would be open from the second half of July 2020. The launch window defines the period during which the probe should launch at Mars at the best time The Earth and Mars planets are at their closest point of rotation as they rotate around the Sun, and in a straight line with them, which happens once every two years, when the probe will launch from the Earth into elliptic orbit, eventually meeting the orbit of Mars.

The probe will be launched from the Tanigashima Space Center on a southern island in Japan, where it will be placed on the front of a rocket carrier similar to the rockets used to launch satellites, and will take to Mars for between seven and nine months.

The space probe needs to change its position from time to time in order to direct its solar panels towards the sun to recharge its batteries, and then redirect its waveguide towards the planet in order to maintain contact with the center of operations and control.

The Minister of State for Higher Education and Advanced Skills, Chairman of the Emirates Space Agency, Dr. Ahmed bin Abdullah Al-Falous said: "We are now approaching an historic Arab and Islamic achievement in the field of space exploration. Preparations for the launch of the" With the support and guidance of the leadership and by the sons of Zayed who seek to raise the name of the UAE high among the stars, through this ambitious project, the largest of its kind in the region to explore the other planets ».

"The latest preparations to send the probe to Mars have now begun," said Hamad Obaid Al Mansouri, Chairman of the Mohammed bin Rashid Space Center. "It is now less than a year away from a new historic achievement that adds to the UAE's record."

He noted that the probe was a journey that began with an idea and hope, and ended with a reality involving UAE scientists and engineers to build and enhance the UAE's knowledge of the space sector.

"The success of the development of the Al-Amal probe, to the final stages of the project, confirms the national space infrastructure and the technical and scientific capabilities of the cadres of the UAE," said Eng. Mohammed Nasser Al Ahbabi, Director General of Emirates Space Agency. The best young people of the country, are keen on this ambitious project ».

"This is a project that will raise the banner of Arabs and Muslims in the world, restore the glory of our forefathers and affirm our contribution to the service of humanity," he added.

Mohammed Al-Shaibani, Director General of the Mohammed bin Rashid Space Center, said: "The achievements of the team of the Emirates Exploration Project, which is working on the development of the" Al-Amal "project, in all its stages from design to assembly and testing, will be a title of pride in the history of the modern Emirates .

The United States, Europe, Japan and the United States have 26 missions to reach the Red Planet. In July 2020, the UAE joins these countries, among the nine countries in the world to explore Mars.

5 intensive environmental tests

The "Hope Probe" is conducting five environmental tests, which began last June and continues until the end of December this year to ensure its readiness before the July 2020 launch date.

The five environmental tests that will be conducted on the "probe of hope" include vibration testing, interference testing, electromagnetic compatibility, thermal testing, vacuum testing and shock testing.

The interference and electromagnetic compatibility test is designed to ensure that there is no effect on the creation, transmission and reception of electromagnetic energy, and that there will be no interference with signals when using radio frequencies.

The test is designed to ensure that all probe devices will work electronically in space and withstand changes in the maximum temperatures they will encounter in their mission. The probe will be subjected to a wide range of hot and cold temperatures ranging from a negative temperature of 148 ° C Temperature of 102 ° C, to ensure that the probe can withstand various conditions in outer space.

Environmental tests include the impact of separation shocks and vibrations on the probe, as well as the vacuum test, which aims to ensure that its equipment will operate electronically in the space vacuum.