Teller Report

State Duma deputy proposed measures to protect women from domestic violence

7/20/2019, 1:47:26 PM

Deputy of the State Duma of Russia Oksana Pushkina, commenting on the murder of the director of the kindergarten in the village of Kumysnoe, Chelyabinsk Region, stated the need to adopt a law on the basics of preventing domestic violence in order to reduce the number of domestic crimes.

“The law on the basics of preventing domestic violence is needed, among other things, in order to ensure that such crimes are as low as possible. The existing system of measures and laws is insufficient to protect the victim from the rowdy, ”she told RT.

Pushkin is developing an appropriate bill. She proposes, among other things, to issue protection orders and protective orders for defendants accused of violence, which prohibit approaching the victim.

According to the deputy, the introduction of protection orders by the court will facilitate the protection of victims from violence and help prevent new crimes.

“A protective order will prohibit the accused of domestic violence to harass the victim, to attempt to find out his place of residence, as well as the acquisition and use of any type of weapon,” Pushkin said.

Earlier in the village of Kumysnoe, Chelyabinsk Region, a man in the presence of children killed a 36-year-old wife who worked as a director of a kindergarten. As it was established, the beatings in the family continued for the last few years. The murder occurred after the woman decided to file for divorce. As a result of the incident, three children were left without a mother.

Read more - in the material RT.