Teller Report

Media reported a rise in gasoline prices in Georgia

7/20/2019, 6:44:26 PM

Gasoline prices in Georgia reached a historic high, Sputnik reports referring to the local First Channel.

It is noted that the cost of Regular brand fuel (AI-92) in the Gulf and Rompetrol networks increased to 2.54 GEL ($ 0.88) per liter.

The prices for gasoline of similar quality in SOCAR network reached 2.53 lari ($ 0.87), at the Wissol gas station network - 2.59 lari ($ 0.89).

According to experts, this trend is due to the depreciation of the Georgian national currency and the increase in world fuel prices.

The authorities of the country have not yet commented on the situation.

On July 9, it was reported that the exchange rate of the Georgian GEL reached its lowest value in the entire history of its existence - 2.9 per $ 1.

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