Teller Report

Hunt told about the discussion with Zarif of the situation with the detention of the tanker

7/20/2019, 3:20:09 PM

British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt commented on the situation with Iran’s detention of the Stena Impero oil tanker, and also spoke about the talks with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.

"I just spoke with Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif and expressed extreme disappointment that the statements made last Saturday that Iran wants de-escalation turned back," the diplomat wrote on his Twitter page.

Satan Iranian FM Zarif and expressed extreme disappointment that they have been able to understand the situation and the spirit of the situation. be protected

- Jeremy Hunt (@Jeremy_Hunt) July 20, 2019

According to Hunt, if all parties interested in resolving the situation created by the parties want to find ways to resolve it, they "must act, not speak."

Earlier, Hunt warned Iran of the consequences in case of failure to release the detained British tanker.

On July 19, representatives of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps detained a British tanker Stena Impero in the Strait of Hormuz and escorted him to the port of Bandar Abbas.

23 crew members, among whom three Russians, remain on board the ship.