Teller Report

"The Eagle has landed": 50 years ago, humanity arrived on the moon, NASA rebroadcast the CBS broadcast

7/20/2019, 8:59:09 PM

NASA TV rebroadcast the CBS program as it broadcast the live moon landing at the time.

NASA TV rebroadcast the CBS program as it broadcast the live moon landing at the time.

Those who followed him on television still remember it: 50 years ago this Saturday, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the Moon, a global event celebrated in the United States, at a time when NASA is trying to to remobilize the country for a lunar reconquest.

"Houston, here the Base of Tranquility, The Eagle landed", launched Armstrong at 8:18 pm GMT shortly after switching off the engine of its lunar module, after a suspenseful descent, followed from Earth only by radio communications . For the occasion, NASA TV rebroadcast the broadcast of the channel CBS as it had broadcast the event live at the time.

"Eagle, Houston.You are Go for landing.Over."

LIVE NOW: Watch special coverage of the original live broadcast of the Apollo 11 #MoonLanding. Hear those familiar voices, feel the anticipation and experience the # Apollo50th with us:

- NASA (@NASA) July 20, 2019

A little more than six hours after having aluni then coated his spacesuit and made innumerable preparations, including the deployment of a black and white camera, at 02H56 GMT - in the middle of the night in Europe, a Monday morning at 03:56 at the Time in France - the commander Armstrong put the first foot, the left, on the Moon, and declared: "It is a small step for the man, a giant leap for the humanity". He was followed soon after by Buzz Aldrin.

"Apollo 11 is the only event of the 20th century that has a chance to be widely known in the 30th century," US Vice President Mike Pence said in a speech Saturday at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. where was the mission. NASA has been overheating for weeks celebrating the event, with many shows and events, including Houston, where a countdown will revive Armstrong's first step in the evening.

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