Teller Report

Turchinov urged not to allow the third "Maidan" in Ukraine

7/15/2019, 3:26:17 PM

Former secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchinov said that the Ukrainian authorities should keep the situation in the country under control and prevent the start of the third Maidan.

“What I would definitely not want is for the situation to get out of control, so that we again return to the 2013-14 paradigm. This can not be allowed - the third "Maidan" for Ukraine is simply unacceptable. The margin of safety that Ukraine has is too small, ”Turchinov said in an interview with

He called on the Ukrainian leadership to abandon populist promises to "immediately end the war, lyustrirovat half the country or create a" economic miracle. "

Instead, according to Turchinov, it is necessary to soberly assess the situation in the country and begin to perform professional duties.

“Anyone who relies on“ miracles ”gets grief and disappointment as a result,” the ex-secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine stressed.

At the end of June, Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Vyacheslav Kirilenko made the start of a new “Maidan”, with the repeal of the law on the Ukrainian language.