Teller Report

The Russian Foreign Ministry called the EU’s one-sided approach to the causes of the crisis around the INF.

7/15/2019, 5:17:11 PM

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia responded to the call of EU Head of Diplomacy Federica Mogherini to Moscow to take measures to preserve the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles (INF).

“Considering that the EU deemed it necessary to declare this less than three weeks before the expiration of the US-initiated procedure for withdrawing from the treaty, one must inevitably doubt that Brussels realizes the seriousness of the situation and the negative consequences of the destructive steps taken by Washington for the security of its European allies ", - said in a commentary published on the website of the department.

The Russian Foreign Ministry also expressed bewilderment because the appeals of the EU to fulfill the conditions of the INF Treaty were addressed to Russia, despite the fact that the United States initiated the break in the agreement.

“It is the United States that is destroying the treaty, and for some reason, appeals to its preservation and readiness for constructive work are addressed to Russia ... The decision whether or not the INF Treaty is to be or not for the United States. So, the appeals of the EU for its rescue are clearly addressed to the wrong address, ”the ministry stressed.

In addition, the Foreign Ministry expressed regret because of the inaction of the EU countries, which do not offer any measures to resolve this situation.

As noted in the Russian Foreign Ministry, the EU thus expresses solidarity with the position of Washington and makes such statements only "for show".

“In fact, the EU countries are meekly following the US decision to abandon realistic measures proposed by Russia to remove counterclaims in the context of the INF Treaty based on mutual transparency,” the Russian Foreign Ministry concluded.

Earlier, the EU called on Russia to take measures regarding the development, testing and deployment of the 9M729 missile for the sake of maintaining the INF.