Teller Report

The EU announced about € 15 million in financial assistance to Moldova

7/15/2019, 3:11:18 PM

European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Policy Johannes Hahn announced that the European Union is resuming financial assistance to Moldova and is ready to provide the country with € 14.5 million in the coming days.

"I am pleased to announce today the resumption of Moldovan budget support: € 14.54 million will be allocated in the coming days," he said on the sidelines of an EU Council meeting in Brussels.

According to Khan, this decision testifies to the EU’s support for Moldova and its citizens.

In addition, as noted by the European Commissioner, the EU financial assistance will be an incentive for the implementation of new reforms in Moldova.

In June, Moldovan Prime Minister Maia Sandu, during a telephone conversation with Khan, confirmed her readiness to implement the Association Agreement with the EU.