Teller Report

"This will be the beginning of the end for Kiev": why Ukraine announced the possibility of demolishing the Crimean Bridge "in minutes"

7/15/2019, 8:08:23 PM

Ukrainian cruise missiles "Neptune" allegedly could destroy the Crimean bridge "within a few minutes." This was stated by the former head of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov. According to him, weapons developed in the country can also hit any warships of the Russian Federation. Meanwhile, the Federation Council expressed doubts that Kiev would, in principle, take such a step, but even in this case, the Russian infrastructure will not suffer, as it is reliably protected from such attacks. At the same time, the State Duma believes that with their statements Turchinov is trying to prevent the new Ukrainian authorities from establishing contacts with Moscow.

Created in Ukraine cruise missiles "Neptune" can within a few minutes destroy the bridge across the Kerch Strait, which connects the mainland of Russia with the Crimean peninsula. This opinion was expressed by the former secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC) Oleksandr Turchynov in an interview with

He noted that the Ukrainian military-industrial complex was able to develop a mobile cruise missile complex to protect against an alleged attack from Russia.

“Our cruise missiles will be able to destroy warships of the Russian Federation of any class not only in the Black and Azov Seas, but also in their home ports. And if necessary, in a few minutes to demolish the bridge, which Russia is so proud of, ”said Turchinov.

The model of the anti-ship cruise missile "Neptune" was first introduced in 2015. In April of this year, Petro Poroshenko, who was President of Ukraine at the time, said that the complex, developed by the Luch Kiev Design Bureau, would soon enter service with the Ukrainian army.

"The Russians are nervous, because their dreams were that Ukraine will not succeed," said Yuri Biryukov, who served as an adviser to Poroshenko.

Meanwhile, experts expressed doubts that Neptune would be launched into widespread production, due to the lack of an industrial base. In addition, they pointed out that the Ukrainian development is a modification of the Soviet X-35 missile, created in the 1980s.

At the same time, we note that it is not the first time when the Crimean Bridge becomes an object of attack and threats from Ukrainian officials. This, in particular, was noted in the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

“There is no doubt that the main provocative attacks were the construction and start of operation of the bridge across the Kerch Strait,” noted at the briefing in December 2018, First Deputy Head of the Coast Guard Department of the Border Guard Service of the Federal Security Service of Russia, Vice Admiral Alexey Volsky.

Recall that the Crimean bridge consists of two parts. The construction of its first component, automotive, was completed in the spring of 2018. The opening ceremony of the facility took place on May 15th. It was attended by builders and Russian President Vladimir Putin. The next day, the crossing was started for cars and buses. Over the past 14 months, over 5 million cars have passed the highway connecting the Kerch and Taman Peninsulas.

At the same time, the construction of the railway part continues. In mid-June, experts completed the installation of the first path of the bridge. The launch of the railway traffic is scheduled for the end of 2019.

“Turchinov’s statement is associated with an increase in the defense capability of the Crimea”

According to the deputy of the State Duma from the Republic of Crimea Ruslan Balbek, the former head of the National Security and Defense Council is too confident in the capabilities of the weapons developed in Ukraine.

“The world community was not given a single fact of hitting the Neptune cruise missile at the target. We have seen the launches, but the result is not. In addition, I would like to ask the former chief “defense industry” of Ukraine: does he really think that if the Ukrainian missiles are launched, the Russian military will open their mouths to watch them fly? ”Said the deputy in a conversation with RT.

He also pointed out that Turchinov is trying to nullify those unstable contacts that are beginning to be established between Moscow and Kiev under the new Ukrainian government.

In turn, Sergey Tsekov, a member of the Council of the Federation Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Crimea, pointed out that inadequate speeches and threats to Russia from representatives of the Ukrainian authorities have been going on for the past five years.

“Anything can come to their heads, of course. We hope that the new government will be smarter than the previous one. But we must always be prepared for the fact that such actions may follow from the Ukrainian side. Turchinov's statement is associated with an increase in the defense capability of the Crimea. The peninsula, like the bridge, is reliably protected. If something like this happens, which is unlikely, the Crimean Bridge will not suffer. But the consequences for Ukraine will be the most deplorable. If a provocation happens, it will be the beginning of the end for the Ukrainian state, ”the source said.