Teller Report

Medvedchuk called the main obstacle for Ukrainian politics

7/14/2019, 2:10:07 PM

The head of the political council of the party “The Opposition Platform - For Life” Viktor Medvedchuk believes that external influence from the United States prevents the manifestation of true Ukrainian politics.

“Starting from 2014, Ukraine is under a strong external US administration. This prevents the manifestation of real Ukrainian politics, affects the sovereignty and independence of our country, ”wrote Medvedchuk on his Twitter page.

He expressed doubt that the new government in Ukraine will be able to solve some internal issues in the country "without regard to Washington."

Earlier, Medvedchuk said that the proposal of the leader of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky, to expand the Norman format and attract the United States to participate in the negotiations has little chance of success against the background of the current situation in the world.

Also in March, the politician noted that Washington introduced external administration in Ukraine.