Teller Report

Evry: nearly 250 anti-Linky dismissed by justice

7/12/2019, 3:48:42 PM

Evry: nearly 250 anti-Linky dismissed by justice

Évry (AFP)

Nearly 250 people who opposed the installation of Linky meters in their homes were dismissed Friday by the court of Evry (Essonne) which refers some of the applicants to other jurisdictions of Ile-de-France, a we learned from the court.

The judge of the summary court of this Paris suburb court had been seized by nearly 250 applicants who called for the cessation of the deployment or withdrawal of these "smart meters", citing reasons of health, an invasion of privacy, the free choice or the lack of professionalism of the installers.

In its decision, the court puts forward two main reasons. He feels at first "territorially" incompetent, arguing that some of the plaintiffs do not reside in Essonne.

The latter "reside in four departments of Ile-de-France: Essonne, Seine-Saint-Denis, Val-de-Marne and Seine-et-Marne.Three separate jurisdictions of courts of major jurisdiction", wrote the judge in the decision, consulted by AFP.

The court also considers that the evidence provided by the plaintiffs regarding the alleged risks associated with these meters is "insufficient".

"The judge kicks in touch", reacted to the AFP the applicants' lawyer, Arnaud Durand, who is studying the possibility of appeal.

"It's time to open your eyes When a doctor tells you that this meter can cause health problems, how can a lawyer say there is no evidence?", He asks.

The Linky meter, of which Enedis is piloting the installation to remotely monitor live consumption, has been the subject of recurring controversy since its deployment in 2015.

Twenty-two courts have been seized of joint actions. The vast majority of complainants, several hundred to date, have been dismissed -in Rennes, Toulouse, Bordeaux-, except a handful of people "electrosensitive".

The State Council, also requested, rejected the appeal of two municipalities who had also refused the deployment of the Linky meters.

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