Teller Report

The State of Palestine will be free and independent despite the enemies and their allies

7/4/2019, 10:24:42 PM

In a matter of two months, this ambassador has revealed the reality of Israel. It is not a democratic state, but a religious state, and it became clear when he waved the Torah, declaring before the UN Security Council that the justification for Israel's existence and the theft of land Palestinian settlements and the construction of illegal settlements in the occupied territories, is due to the implementation of divine promises as stated in the Torah, as justified by the right-wing Israeli diplomat.

This week, the Ambassador himself has revealed a new disclosure that means that Israel is not interested in a peaceful solution through negotiations, because he considers that the Palestinians should sign an instrument of surrender as an entry point for peace. The ambassador of the occupation wrote an article in the New York Times saying that on the Palestinian side the white flag was raised and the national aspiration for freedom and independence was relinquished.

The picture is clear now: there is no Israeli desire for peace through negotiations because the land is a gift to the Jews of God Almighty !! Now it is clear that the White House's goal is to support the Israeli right, which refuses to recognize the national aspirations of the Palestinian people: the state with Jerusalem as its capital, the right of return.

The picture is clear now: there is no Israeli desire for peace through negotiations because the land is a gift to the Jews of God Almighty !! Now it is clear that the White House's goal is to support the Israeli right, which refuses to recognize the national aspirations of the Palestinian people: the state with Jerusalem as its capital, the right of return

He rejects everything related to the Palestinian national goals of poetry, prose, journalism, or any other form in Palestine or in the diaspora, including the campaign of boycotting Israel, falsifying it and falsifying it with anti-Semitism.

Of course, it is not new. It is the Zionist narrative about a people without a homeland in a homeland without a people. This is the former prime minister of Israel, Golda Meir, who rejects the Palestinian existence. The conflict was and still is on the ground, not peace.

There were, of course, short-term vices to ease the uneasiness of European allies; images of refugees living in tents, despite the cold, allowed the establishment of UNRWA and images of the repression of stone children stirred public opinion and brought the agreement of principles and the exchange of confessions.

The Israelis - since the time of Moshe Dayan - tried to soften the occupation through the policy of open bridges at times, and the policy of the occupation of the gentle sometimes, and through the autonomy under Menachem Begin, the National Authority during the Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres. But there has never been agreement to end the occupation and complete independence.

The Palestinian people knew the objectives of the occupation and fought against it based on the right, justice and international law, but the last attack came from an American president in cooperation with Jewish Zionists and Christians strongly biased to the extreme Israeli right. The current US administration includes a vice president and foreign minister of Christian Zionism, and the peace team includes three religious Zionist Jews, two of whom are generously subsidized for settlement.

The team of Jared Kouchner, Jason Greenblatt, and David Friedman have long thought they succeeded in hiding their real goals. They once told a delegation of pro-Israel Christian extremists that there was no need to fear Israel. We know that the Palestinians will reject the project, but we are doing something to please our Arab allies.

Despite American claims of a political program, there is a strong conviction that the US project is merely a simple political annex, which will be presented in October following the formation of the Israeli government. The American team acts according to Israel's wishes, or rather according to the wishes of the Israeli right.

The White House is fulfilling Israel's dreams of trying to kill UNRWA (the attempt failed), moving the US embassy to Jerusalem, shutting down the PLO office in Washington, And strangling the Palestinian government financially to force it to accept generous offers, which are originally based on the demand of the Arabs to pay for it !!

Palestine has no tanks, planes or submarines to compare with those defeated in the world war; but the Palestinian people have dignity, courage and determination, and are willing to sacrifice for their national dignity and independence, just like all the peoples of the world who have overcome colonialism, occupation and injustice.

The US plan would have gone smoothly if the Israeli delegate to the United Nations had not been able to be patient. The representative of the occupation reprinted statements of anti-Islam in America such as Daniel Pipes, the first to come up with the theory that the Palestinians have to surrender as an entry to an Israeli political solution, including some crumbs to be provided to those who remain in Palestine, while forgetting the rest of the Palestinian people.

There is no doubt that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is now happy in Ramallah. Despite the mistakes and undemocratic actions and his inability to unify the Palestinian people, his firm stance and vision - regarding the true objectives of Donald Trump and Kouchner's plan - have justified his position and cleared his mistakes.

Those who can resist a strong US president and refuse to give up the allocations of prisoners and families of the martyrs will be remembered historically as a patriotic and courageous stance. His ability to analyze what is going on in Washington against the supreme interest of the Palestinian people was correct and accurate.

Despite the absurdity of the offer of surrender by the Israeli right and its supporters in the White House, the proud Palestinian people will not surrender. Palestine has no tanks, planes or submarines to compare with those defeated in the world war; but the Palestinian people have dignity, courage and determination, and are prepared to sacrifice for their national dignity and independence, just like all the peoples of the world who have overcome colonialism, occupation and injustice.

The Palestinian people may need years or decades, but one day they will join free Palestine to the rest of the people, and will be independent, free and democratic despite the enemies and their allies.