Teller Report

The Russian Embassy assessed the progress of the investigation of the incident in Salisbury

7/4/2019, 5:09:41 PM

The political line followed by the UK over the Salisbury incident has stymied the dialogue between Moscow and London. This is stated in a statement by the Russian embassy in the UK.

“The line of the British side clearly brought bilateral relations to a standstill, damaged the ability of the UK to realize its foreign policy interests both in the Russian direction and on a broad international agenda,” the diplomatic mission said.

As the embassy stated, “more than 80 diplomatic
notes sent to the Foreign Office in the case of Skripale.

The embassy noted that London is still “adhering to belligerent rhetoric against Russia,” at every convenient opportunity declaring “irrefutable evidence” of Moscow’s involvement in the incident.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the story of the poisoning of the former GRU employee Sergey Srippal and his daughter Yulia in British Salisbury "is not worth even five kopecks."

On March 5, 2018, it became known in British Salisbury that a man and a woman were poisoned with an “unknown substance,” after which they were hospitalized in critical condition.

The injured turned out to be the ex-Colonel of the GRU Sergey Skripal and his daughter.