Teller Report

The Impact of Baby Share .. Why does the song stick to our heads?

7/4/2019, 4:21:36 AM

If you have children in your family, you are a father or a mother, you will often have a baby shark, and you may find yourself like millions of people who caught the song with their heads and found themselves chanting them all the time. If you have not heard it before, this is the video, and this is a warning before you listen to it; this song is attached to your head and you can not get rid of it.

The song, which no one knows, has appeared among the children as a song performed in the Scouts and Kindergarten camps. On YouTube, several copies of the song appeared. In 2007, a German version of "Kleiner Hai" appeared, and another version was published by a Canadian actor in 2011, which exceeded the 100,000-minute mark, until the version we all know in 2016 appeared on a YouTube channel for young children called " Pinkfong ", when the song turned into a global phenomenon with more than 2.2 billion views, and although it is directed at young people in the first place, it was also hung on the heads of their poor parents.

The performance of many of the celebrities for the song, led by the famous program "Ellen Degeneres" for the dance of "Baby Share" and others in their programs to the song more. Like many famous songs, a special song challenge appeared on the Internet. Several clips of "Baby Shark" appeared with the "baby shark challenge", where you can see more than 150,000 publications under this tag on the instagram application. (2) (3)

Why does BabyCare stick to our heads?

Some believe that Baby Peak coaxed the heads of their listeners because parents are exposed to them almost daily while their children are listening to them, but the reality is that there are many people who have caught that song with their heads despite listening to it once. It may happen that you listen to a song by chance or even a piece of it, perhaps a passing song you heard on the radio, or even an ad melody, to find it has stuck to your head. You may not like it very much, but it sticks to your head and you find it repeated. You are not alone. This is a global phenomenon that affects about 98% of the world's population.

This phenomenon is called "earworm" or "ear worm", an attempt to translate the German word "ohrwurm". The phrase first appeared in "Flyaway" in 1978 for Desmond Pagli:

"I fell into a blind, blind rhythm, and in my head the Germans (ear worm) began to spin and spin in your head, and you can not get rid of them, bloody steps running behind each other"

(Flyaway: Desmond Bagley)

The worm penetrates your ears and head and may stick to it for several hours or several days. This phenomenon is called several times: repetition of musical photography, involuntary musical images, cognitive itching, and lingering song syndrome. This phenomenon has gained an interesting place in neuroscience recently, where researchers have tried to understand the causes of the phenomenon and determine the neural substrates involved in the occurrence, and find effective ways to get rid of them. (4) (5)

Why did Bibi Share hang in the minds of everyone?

Although it is mainly directed at young children, most adults who have listened to the song even once or a few times say it is suspended in their minds. Baby-share features the ideal earworm. When you listen to this type of song, it stimulates the cerebral cortex. In a study in 2016, these songs found key features:

The tempo is faster and more pleasurable . The faster the rhythm of the song, the more you feel it in your mind during movement activities such as walking or tooth washing.

* The similarity of the melody style with other popular melodies, and contain distinct breaks, have a familiar musical structure and simple.

* Contains sudden transitions in her musical notes, either up or down. (6) (7)

In addition to your memories of the song itself, your mind records memories that link the hearing of the song to your emotional state at the time of hearing it, the smells surrounding you, your location, and the people around you.

These features are all clearly shown in the song "Baby Share":

The joyful rhythm

The rhythmic dynamics and rhythm of the melody contribute to a sense of movement. The rhythm of the song accelerates in the part where the small fish escape, relax again when it becomes safe, and observe the interaction of children with this particular part and their dancer's response. The rhythmic rhythms of the melody target the brain stem, stimulate the secretion of dopamine associated with the movement, and dance on familiar and repetitive music involves a kind of prediction that leads to harmony between movement and rhythm and increases the sense of joy.

Frequent and simple melodic pattern

According to Professor Beatrice Ellari of the University of Southern California's Thornton School of Music, the melody of this song is simple and easy to memorize. While this repetition makes it easier to memorize the song for children with limited linguistic output,

Its association with audio memory

Studies of the ways and means of brain absorption of music show that attractive tones for children can trigger feelings of happiness in the brain's dopamine system, where the feelings of happiness, satisfaction and reward are rooted. This system depends on the evaluation of consequences and predictions, when you find something more beautiful than you expect it produces dopamine and leads to a sense of happiness.

The dopamine system works in coordination with the upper temporal gyrus, which is responsible for storing information about all the vocal relationships that a person experiences, both the music they heard during their growth, the music heard by their parents, and the music that their peers heard at school. These sound relationships provide the dopamine system with predictions of what the person will find interesting and lead to the divorce of dopamine.

The other element in the composition of the song "Baby Share" is that they provide familiar models of the characters for the child, they offer the baby shark, mother, father, grandfather and grandmother, each of whom is repeated in a 4-fold section repeating with the same melody with slight changes. These words (infant, mother, father, grandfather and grandmother) are all familiar in the child's life and often have a positive relationship with them, which targets the centers of emotion and reward in the brain.

Visual aspect of the song

Not only does this version of the song offer cheerful animation, but it incorporates the dance movements of the two children as part of the song, which makes children willing to mimic the movements they watch while watching young children like them merging into the fascinating world of animation.

How to get rid of Baby Share?

If it's too troublesome you might try to use one of the techniques recommended by experts, including:

In a series of experiments conducted by researchers at Bayman, Powell and Rappley in 2015 at the University of Redding, UK, 89 volunteers were recruited to study how this phenomenon occurred and how to get rid of it. Several experiments were conducted to study the effect of motor skills related to speech / And involuntary chewing gum, research results have found that chewing gum may help change the recall of musical images. It is useful to know that you can benefit from the results of this experience in other ways, some researchers believe chewing chewing gum helps to relieve hallucinations and alien ideas that affect people with neurological disorders such as schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

* Solve linguistic or arithmetic puzzles: Experiments have proved that engaging in mental games such as crossword puzzles, Sudoku or mixed characters occupies mind and memory and helps to break the loop and stop repeating the song.

* Listen to another track: This method is also a proven method, due to the mismatch between the stuck piece of your head and the new piece, the new piece will require the attention of the mind while listening to it.

what about you? Are you a victim of "Baby Share"? Or is another song occupying your head now and you do not want to go out?