Teller Report

The EU called on to avoid fiasco in the situation with the Iranian nuclear deal

7/4/2019, 5:49:04 PM

The nuclear agreement with Iran should not be a “fiasco,” Josep Borrell, the Spanish foreign minister, said in an interview with RNE.

"One of the topics that worries the Europeans most of all and is much discussed in the EU Foreign Affairs Council ... is how we can avoid having a nuclear agreement with Iran fail ... We need to achieve stability in the region," RIA Novosti quoted. the minister

Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, commenting on the situation around the UHFD on the Iranian nuclear program, called on European countries to “fully” realize their responsibility for maintaining the agreement.

As stated in Paris, the French leader Emmanuel Macron intends to take steps to encourage Iran to abide by the agreement on the UHHF.