Teller Report

The classmates of the deceased sailor Solovyov called him a professional

7/4/2019, 7:54:36 PM

Anna Moskalenko and Svetlana Kondolba, classmates of the deceased submariner Dmitry Solovyov, told RT about the professionalism and responsibility of their comrade.

According to Moskalenko, Solovyov in the emergency situation at the deep-water apparatus acted like a professional.

“He acted like a professional in his field. Considering his human qualities, I think that he could not have acted differently, ”she specified.

In turn, Kondolba noted that Solovyov was a responsible person, "took the fire on himself."

“Yes, we have already said that he was a responsible person, so there is no surprise here. Everything took over, as they say, the fire took over, ”she said.

Earlier, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported that the rescue of a civilian specialist during a fire at the Navy apparatus was made possible thanks to the competent actions of Captain 2nd Rank Dmitry Solovyov.

July 1 at a research deepwater apparatus in the Russian territorial waters, a fire occurred.

The victims of the tragedy were 14 submariners.

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