Teller Report

The CEC of Ukraine obliged to hold a repeated draw of parties in elections

7/4/2019, 5:24:36 PM

The Sixth Administrative Court of Appeal ordered the CEC of Ukraine to hold a repeat draw to determine the order of the parties in the ballots for the extraordinary parliamentary elections.

Reports about it «Ukrainian truth».

The head of the Central Election Commission, Tatyana Slipachuk, commenting on the court’s decision, noted that at present 5,2200 ballots have been printed.

“It’s difficult for me to comment on all the legal aspects of the decision, but I’m informing you that this action is aimed at disrupting the elections,” said Slipachuk.

She added that this court decision will be challenged by the CEC.

Earlier, the head of the Central Election Commission of Ukraine Tatyana Slipachuk said that in the early elections to the Verkhovna Rada, eight candidates were registered with the surname Zelensky.