Teller Report

Putin thanks Rome and advocates relations with the EU without sanctions

7/4/2019, 10:57:42 PM

After being received in private audience by Pope Francis, the Russian President made a flash visit to Rome, where he was received by President Sergio Mattarella, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.

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Russian President Vladimir Putin and Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte at a joint press conference in Rome on 4 July 2019.u REUTERS / Yara Nardi

After being received in private audience by Pope Francis, the Russian President made a flash visit to Rome, where he was received by President Sergio Mattarella, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.

Relations between Russia and the EU, the situation in Syria, Ukraine and Libya were at the center of talks between Vladimir Putin and Giuseppe Conte, before a dinner where the Russian president also met the two deputy prime ministers Matteo Salvini and Luigi Di Maio.

" We are grateful to Italy for its aspiration to ensure that relations between Russia and the EU are fully restored. We see the efforts of the Italian government in this direction, "said the Russian president at a joint press conference with Giuseppe Conte. " Everything must be done to put an end to the policy of sanctions with political motives that are put in place unilaterally, " Vladimir Putin said.

On economic cooperation between Moscow and Rome, Vladimir Putin noted the increase in trade from " 13% in 2018 up to $ 27 billion ", while emphasizing that in 2013, one year before the establishment of European and American sanctions against Russia because of the Ukrainian crisis, these exchanges " were 54 billion dollars ".

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte assured that the Italian government wants these sanctions to be " transitional ". " Italy is working to create the conditions to overcome this situation that is not good for Russia, Europe, and especially Italy, " he said.

Armed militants gain Libya from Syria, says Putin

Vladimir Putin and Giuseppe Conte also discussed the situation in Syria and Ukraine, as well as in Libya.

" We must put an end as soon as possible to armed clashes and establish a dialogue " in Libya, said the Russian president, who says " especially concerned about the infiltration " in Libya of armed combatants from the zone of Idleb de-escalation in northwestern Syria.

With agencies

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