Teller Report

Marne: a man in custody for the murder of his wife

7/4/2019, 4:48:36 PM

Suspected of having fatally crushed his wife, a man was taken into custody in Thil, in the Marne. A tragedy that brings to 72 the number of women killed by their spouse or ex-spouse since the beginning of the year.

Suspected of having fatally crushed his wife, a man was taken into custody in Thil, in the Marne. A tragedy that brings to 72 the number of women killed by their spouse or ex-spouse since the beginning of the year.

A man in his thirties was arrested and placed in police custody on suspicion of having killed his wife in Thil, in Marne on the night of Wednesday to Thursday, a judicial source said. .

Pierced by a car

The victim, aged 37, died during her transfer to the hospital by firefighters who took care of a square in this village of 300 inhabitants, according to the prosecutor of Reims confirming information from the local press. According to the Union, she was hit by a car. An autopsy is scheduled for Thursday afternoon. The public prosecutor's office opened a flagrant investigation for aggravated murder, entrusted to the Reims research brigade.

In 2017, 130 women died in France under the blows of their companion, ex-spouse or boyfriend, against 123 in 2016, according to data provided by the Ministry of the Interior. Of these 130 women, 109 were a stable couple with their murderer, and 21 were killed by a boyfriend, a lover or an episodic relationship. And 70 others have been killed since the beginning of the year, according to a statement made public in late June by the Collective of relatives and families of victims of feminicide.

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