Teller Report

Cryptocurrency oppositionist

7/4/2019, 3:45:36 PM

“Everything would be fine if the political gazhes of Navalny would be harmless for the country. Small cabbage chops, yes and good. In our country, capitalism and trade is not prohibited to anyone. Albeit such an exotic product, as the investigation. But when they act as a political weapon directed against the interests of Russia, this is quite another. This is already a trade in national security and sovereignty. No more, no less".

Alexei Navalny brought to clean water. The main stimulus of his activity turned out to be banal - money. True, not simple, but ultramodern - bitcoins. That, however, does not prevent the oppositionist from converting the fancy cryptocurrency into quite real dollars and rubles. This fact casts doubt on the results of many investigations conducted by FBK. After all, if you get paid, then the temptation to please the customer is great. You can blame anything, from harassment to theft, only pay.

As the investigation of RT showed, the collection of donations to his “presidential campaign” in Bitcoins allows Navalny to hide information about the details and the nature of the trenches, obscuring their sources and providing greater freedom in spending the money collected. Someone will call it a political scam, but FBK is not steaming. The monopoly on the charges belongs to the liberal opposition, they think there. And while it works.

A meticulous analysis of all 1714 transactions on the account opened by Navalny’s right hand (and, probably, the author of most of his political and financial schemes) Leonid Volkov showed that 94% of all transfers fall on large sums of thousands, or even tens of thousands of dollars. And often they were made from the same sources. And only the remaining 6% of transfers fall into modest tranches of $ 10-15, really similar to private transfers.

It is impossible to determine who exactly sends funds to Navalny. This is a feature of the blockchain platform. However, it can be assumed. Large sums can be sent by both foreign funds that are interested in Navalny's “staggering regime”, as well as domestic emigre businessmen like Chichvarkin. The latter himself admitted that he was fueling Navalny with money. Having lost the company, he was so offended by his homeland that he was ready to pay for its destruction for the sake of revenge.

Such a "salary" of Navalny carries clear signs of fraud. After all, a politician having several conditional terms could not run for president of the Russian Federation. Moreover, his position that he was allegedly convicted illegally, in this case does not matter. The money was actually collected, and it was collected under a deliberately unrealizable project. The fact that Navalny is obliged to return the funds to his donors, there is already a court decision. Sooner or later it will be executed.

However, the public interest in this story is not at all in the opening of the fine-cutting frauds of FBK with money, but in the political result, which anonymous tranches in bitcoins allowed to achieve.

Judging by the chronology of payments and published investigations, there is a completely traceable relationship between them. Large tranches and sign investigations coincided in time.

Did customers pay in advance? It looks like it.

It turned out that FBK memorable investigations regarding businessman Oleg Deripaska and Deputy Prime Minister Sergey Prikhodko, head of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutsky, head of the Pension Fund of Russia Anton Drozdov, journalist Sergey Brilev and Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky left almost simultaneously with the transfer to the Bitcoin account of significant amounts in millions of rubles. Fine?

By the way, before this similar dependence was found by other media. True, then it was about ordinary money, and not about bitcoins. Nevertheless, the smartest person in FBK, Leonid Volkov, denies everything, considering it to be a coincidence. Well, never to confess anything to yourself is the main rule of life of the criminal world, and Volkov learned it clearly. However, this does not refute the obvious link between tranches in the cashier of Navalny and his activity.

Everything would be fine if the political gazhesh of Navalny would be harmless for the country. Small cabbage chops, yes and good. In our country, capitalism and trade is not prohibited to anyone. Albeit such an exotic product, as the investigation. But when they act as a political weapon directed against the interests of Russia, this is quite another. This is already a trade in national security and sovereignty. No more, no less.

The material, not political, priorities of Navalny are confirmed by his lifestyle. Excessive passion for foreign voyages for the policy of any country is reprehensible. Sharing the fate of his people is his first duty. However, receiving millions from stakeholders and having no clear goals for spending them, it is obviously difficult to resist not to pinch off a little for yourself.

“In 2018, the politician visited Egypt, Latvia, Italy, Spain, Thailand,” the media writes. Not thick, but not empty. Most Russians (70% do not even have a passport) and this is not available. Since Navalny does not have to rely on political success, the conservative Russian people in general will not support him, and he wants to live a sweet life, Navalny is trying not to deny himself now nothing. Anonymous bitcoins are suitable for this.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.