Teller Report

"National Elections" prohibit "car stickers" in advertising

7/4/2019, 10:07:05 PM

The National Elections Commission has banned the publication of publications, advertisements or promotional images of candidates for the elections of the Federal National Council 2019 on cars or vehicles of all kinds, considering that this action is a procedural violation, which may threaten the march of the electoral candidate.

The National Election Commission banned the publication of publications, advertisements or propaganda images of candidates for the elections of the Federal National Council 2019 on cars or vehicles of all kinds, considering that this action is a procedural violation, which may threaten the march of the electoral candidate.

Campaigning for election candidates will take place from September 8 to October 4, ending at the end of the day preceding the election day, which means that the campaign will continue for 27 days.

The Committee has drawn up a list of 11 electoral prohibitions for election candidates, the most important of which is the ban on receiving any funds or donations from outside the country or from individuals or foreign entities. Halls and halls designated for this purpose. In detail, the National Election Commission reported that the election campaign for the candidates of the Federal National Council elections, scheduled for September 22 to October 5 (according to the official timetable), will extend to about 27 days, starting from 8 September to the fourth of To be concluded by the end of the day preceding the day of the primary election, stressing that no form of electoral propaganda may be exercised on the day of the election, provided that the forms of electoral propaganda carried out prior to that remain in place.

The committee said that "every candidate has the right to express himself, to carry out any activity aimed at persuading the voters to choose him, and to propagate his election program freely, provided that a number of rules and regulations are observed, including the preservation of the values ​​and principles of society and adherence to the relevant regulations, , And respect for public order, and not to include in the election campaign ideas to raise religious or sectarian, tribal or ethnic intolerance to others, and not to deceive voters or fraud by any means ». According to the committee, the list of advertising controls for the candidates of «National 2019» not to use the method of defamation or defamation or abuse of speech or abuse of other candidates directly or indirectly, in addition to not include electoral campaign promises or programs beyond the powers of the Council member. Each candidate presented his / her electoral program in the local media, read, audio and video, and held press conferences and symposia in accordance with the rules set by the executive regulations and the regulations established by the National Committee in this regard. The Committee allowed the candidates to receive electoral donations from natural or legal persons only , Provided that such contributions do not exceed the expenditure ceiling set for advertising campaigns, and the candidate must submit a statement of account of any contributions received to the Committee of the Principality as a matter of priority.

The list of Prohibited Prohibitions includes the use of associations, clubs, schools, universities, institutes, places of worship, hospitals, government and quasi-governmental buildings, federal or local, public parks or commercial centers, for propaganda of candidates, exploitation of religion or tribal or ethnic affiliation for electoral purposes And the use of loudspeakers in the election campaign, except in the halls and halls designated for this purpose, and paste the publications or advertisements or any type of writing, drawings and images on cars or vehicles of all kinds, and use of telephone messages by the company T or commercial use in the election campaign. According to the executive regulations, spending on electoral propaganda is prohibited from public funds or from the budget of ministries, institutions, companies, public bodies and other official bodies of the state. It also prohibits the use of public institutions and facilities for election propaganda. The committee said: "The candidate receives donations from natural persons or legal entities only, provided that these donations do not exceed the ceiling of expenditure on advertising campaigns (two million dirhams), and the candidate must submit a statement of account for any contributions received to the Committee of the Principality first.

Blocked list

The National Election Commission has identified a list of promotional prohibitions that could threaten the electoral process, including the prohibition of receiving any funds or donations from outside the country or from individuals or foreign entities. The expenditure ceiling exceeded the amount of two million dirhams, The official state emblem or its symbols in meetings, advertisements, election leaflets, all types of writings and drawings used in electoral propaganda, and the use of the election campaign for the purpose of promoting their candidacy and election programs.

Requiring candidates not to defame, defame, infringe, or offend others.