Teller Report

"Alistem" does not respond .. Students of the twelfth demanded to provide paper certificates

7/4/2019, 7:03:47 PM

Twelve-year-old students in government and private schools following the Ministry of Education's curriculum said that they had difficulty finding their results through Al-Manhal and Assis because of unspecified technical problems, which hindered their children's results. They are confused,

Twelve-year-old students in government and private schools following the Ministry of Education's curriculum said that they had difficulty finding their results through Al-Manhal and Assis because of unspecified technical problems, which hindered their children's results. While others pointed out that the system showed them the grades of the student only in the exam without the percentage of total, calling for the provision of paper certificates in schools.

In addition, the Ministry of Education announced that the final results for the twelfth grade students for the academic year 2018-2019 will be made available through the Al-Manhal system for the first school sector and ASIS. The complaints, mostly about the problems of dealing with the electronic system, and described it slow and non-responders to attempts to enter, pointing out that they failed to enter the system, calling on ministry officials to quickly address the imbalance, and provide paper certificates in schools.

At the expense of the Ministry of Education official site social networking «Twitter» face of one of the students, called "Mohammed", a glee to the ministry, in which he confirmed that he can not enter the system to know its outcome, while another said, Salem Ali, unfortunately the site is flawed, and we can not And another supported by a commentator on the ministry's website. Another witness pointed out that one of the subjects in which the exam was conducted did not have its results. Others questioned how to obtain the percentage of the student through the system. A student's guardian mentioned that some schools Especially did not give students access information on the electronic system.

He called on students to provide a hard copy of the results in schools, to correct the failures of the system, or the inability of some to reach the results of their families electronically, pointing out that the delay in obtaining the results cause them confusion, especially that some have pre-flight bookings, 9 In the case of failure of the student in any material will not be enough time to prepare and retake the exam again.

The Ministry of Education announced that the final results for the twelfth grade students for the academic year 2018-2019 will be made available through Al-Manhal for the first school sector and ESIS for the second school sector at 9 pm tonight. From 1st to 11th, results will be announced next week.