Teller Report

The case of employees of Rospotrebnadzor about the tragedy on Syamozero reconsider

6/27/2019, 5:30:43 PM

The Supreme Court of Karelia overturned the decision of the court of Petrozavodsk, which acquitted the former head of the Rospotrebnadzor administration in the Republic of Anatoly Kovalenko and his deputy Lyudmila Kotovich in the case of the death of children in the Syamozero camp in June 2016.

“The verdict of the Petrozavodsk City Court against Kotovich and Kovalenko is canceled. The criminal case in this part is to be sent to a new court in the same court with a different composition, ”the TASS cites the statement of the judge.

Earlier, the Supreme Court of Karelia partially granted the complaint of Elena Reshetova, the former director of the camp, LLC Park-Hotel Syamozero, who was sentenced to nine and a half years in prison.

The site reported that the court received complaints about the verdict of all the defendants.

In particular, the state prosecution announced its disagreement with the decision of the court, according to which only two of the six defendants in the case received prison sentences.

On June 18, 2016, the staff of the “Syamozero” children's camp brought 47 pupils to the water raft on a raft and two canoes. During the storm, the canoe turned over, 14 children sank.