Teller Report

Germany: Angela Merkel's tremors raise concerns

6/27/2019, 9:48:32 PM

Twice in ten days, the German chancellor was shaken by tremors during public demonstrations. The person concerned as his entourage are reassuring, but these symptoms repeated in a few days raise questions.

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Angela Merkel was seen shaking in a ceremony alongside President Frank-Walter Steinmeier in Berlin on June 27, 2019, REUTERS / Reuters TV

Twice in ten days, the German chancellor was shaken by tremors during public demonstrations. She and her entourage want reassurance, but these symptoms repeated in a few days raise questions.

With our correspondent in Berlin, Pascal Thibaut

" When Merkel trembles, the vultures whirl. She can ignore their croaking. But the questions about his health are legitimate. The conservative daily Frankfurter Allgemeine , while remaining decent, questions many observers.

After shaking from head to toe, welcoming the new Ukrainian president last week, the Chancellor questioned in the wake reassured her that she was fine after drinking three glasses of water.

But this Thursday, Angela Merkel was again shaken by a tremor crisis, less violent, this time. She refused a glass of water that was being handed to her. The symptoms disappeared as soon as she moved again.

Asked, his spokesman reassured: " The Chancellor is fine, she is going as planned by plane to Osaka for the G20 ."

If the German media remained reserved, the questions remain. Angela Merkel who turns 65 on July 17 is she simply overworked? Or do the tremors have another origin? In the press, a doctor says he would have advised against going to Japan and ordered thorough examinations.

In November 2016, when she announced that she would be running again for a final term, Angela Merkel said: " If my health allows it ".