Teller Report

CAN 2019: Ivorian Jean Michaël Séri in search of lost time

6/27/2019, 9:27:54 PM

Jean Michaël Séri made a timid start to the African Cup of Nations on June 24 against South Africa (1-0). The midfielder struggles to confirm the high hopes placed in him, since his aborted transfer to FC Barcelona in 2017, that ...

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Ivoirien Jean Michaël Séri, in press conference, before the match against Morocco, at CAN 2019. AFP / Ahmed Hasan

Jean Michaël Séri made a timid start to the African Cup of Nations on June 24 against South Africa (1-0). The midfielder struggles to confirm the high hopes placed in him, since his aborted transfer to FC Barcelona in 2017, whether in club or selection. For the Ivorian, this CAN 2019 is yet an ideal opportunity to resume its march forward.

From our special envoy in Cairo,

" If I understand correctly, you want to know the details of my unsuccessful transfer to FC Barcelona ... ", Jean Michaël Séri hesitates between a smile and a grimace when a journalist asks him about this painful memory, June 27, 2019 Cairo. " We are here to talk about the CAN and I prefer to stay on that, " the midfielder said in a press conference on the eve of the clash between the teams of Côte d'Ivoire and Morocco. " Everyone wants to know more about this room, but I prefer not to go into details. "

The Ivorian will not say more about this event which marked a negative turning point in his career. Jean Michaël Séri seems however still struggling to digest the fact of not having left the OGC Nice (France) to join Lionel Messi in Barca, two years ago. Since this episode, the number 10 no longer seems quite the same. In any case, it is far from showing the fullness that had allowed him, at the end of the 2016-17 season, to be named Marc-Vivien Foé Award , best African player of the Championship of France.

Another winner of the Foé Prize, Morocco's Younès Belhanda, elected in 2012, is however appreciative of the small playmaker. " He's a great guy and plays very well with his team, " he said. "Atlas Lions" in a press conference. The coach of the Morocco team, Hervé Renard, also quotes Jean Michaël Séri as one of the main assets of the "Elephants".

A mixed CAN 2019 start

Jean Michaël Séri, however, made a mixed African Cup of Nations start, on June 24, against South Africa, in group D of the competition. A performance in line with a season 2018-2019 that saw his club, Fulham, be relegated to the second division English. " I prepared well, even though I had three weeks off, including two weeks in the infirmary, before preparing for this 2019 CAN ," said the player. I am gaining power. The game against South Africa was not an easy match. But, here, I train as I must. I hope to be 200% of my abilities, against Morocco, and go out a great match .

READING ► CAN 2019: Côte d'Ivoire overcomes South Africa

His coach, Ibrahima Kamara, flies to his rescue. " He is a very great professional and I always trust him. It takes patience because we often tend to compare Mika to other players , says the technician, who probably thinks of the Spanish Xavi Hernandez. We're doing enough like that, about Mika. He is a boy with enormous qualities. He demonstrated this especially during the playoffs. He finished better passer of our team. He even scored goals at difficult times .

Impervious to criticism ?

Obviously, this is not always enough in the eyes of the very demanding Ivorian public. " I'm not very present on social networks. So the critics, I do not see them , nevertheless swear the person. After, if we criticize a player, it is because we expect a lot from him. I put myself in this perspective and I prefer to remain positive .

Ibrahima Kamara concludes: " I am convinced that Mika will be one of the great craftsmen of this Ivory Coast team. Not only for this CAN 2019. But also for the 2021 edition and the 2023 edition. So, let's try to change our eyes on him. "

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