Teller Report

Bashir was cursed when he was informed of his fall. His brother resisted arrest

6/27/2019, 10:08:54 PM

A Sudanese newspaper revealed for the first time the scenes of the arrest of Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir and his brother Abbas escaped with the help of the "deep state" and the opposition of his brother Abdullah, who was also arrested. The newspaper details the life of al-Bashir and the secrets of his appearance in clean clothes.

A Sudanese newspaper revealed for the first time the scenes of the arrest of Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir and the escape of his brother Abbas with the help of the "deep state" and the refusal of his brother Abdullah, who was also arrested.

The Al-Intibah newspaper, which conducted a dialogue with military junta member Yasir al-Atta, revealed that the army's decision to open the way for the demonstrators to reach the leadership was "a desire to celebrate with them the victory of the revolution and to protect them from being beaten because the number of martyrs would have reached between 2000 and 3000 martyrs »if Saddam happened.

"The army's planning was compatible with the mobility of the street, and the military establishment if it did not move, small officers could turn on the referee bloody, and we do not want to, and we were telling the young officers we will move in time," Atta said.

Al-Atta added that "the first team Abdel Fattah al-Burhan is the one who told Bashir of his fall. He initially protested against the move. He mentioned some brothers by name and some simple insults and blame." Atta said that the head of the security and defense committee, Mohammed Mustafa, was sick and sick in the hospital during the events, so it was the group that arrested Bashir and put him in the prison of Cooper, was normal during arrest, never spoke, , But his brother Abdullah tried it, and said (ammunition Hatdwir), Bashir said to him shut up, Abdullah. As for Al-Bashir's appearance in clean clothes, he was, in the end, a republican president and was not convicted. Al-Ata said al-Bashir is currently in a room with a bed, a small refrigerator and an air conditioner. His brother, Abbas, fled with the help of the deep state before we arrived at Bashir's house.

President of Sudan

Insulated live

With a room in it

Air conditioning and refrigerator.